
"cosido" in English

stitching{noun} (of book, pages)
to mend[mended · mended] {v.i.} [Brit.] (sew)
to mend[mended · mended] {v.t.} [cloth.] (garment)
coser(also: ayustar)
to splice {v.t.} [naut.] (ropes)
coser(also: ayustar)
to splice together {vb} [naut.] (ropes)
coser[cosiendo · cosido] {transitive verb}
to seam {v.t.} (to join by sewing)
coser con hilo sencillo
to sew with single thread
coser con hilo doble
to sew with double thread
sabe coser mejor que yo
she can sew better than me
coser(also: prender)
coser con hilo sencillo
to sew with single thread
coser con hilo doble
to sew with double thread
sabe coser mejor que yo
she can sew better than me
to stitch {vb} [med.]
Sólo en una región de la India, el Punjab, trabajan cosiendo balones de fútbol alrededor de 10.000 niños de entre 6 y 12 años; 15.000 niños aproximadamente trabajan en Sialkot (Pakistán).
In just one area of India, the Punjab, about 10 000 children aged between 6 and 12 sit stitching footballs, while about 15 000 children work in the area of Sialkot in Pakistan.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "coser":