
"con terquedad" in English

"con terquedad" in English
pigheadedly{adv.} (refuse, persist, insist)
Rothley y yo hemos insistido con tesón –e incluso diría que con terquedad– en debatir esta cuestión y plantear argumentos que finalmente han prevalecido.
Under your guidance, Mr Rothley and I have stubbornly – I would even say pig-headedly – insisted on discussing this issue and putting forward arguments that have prevailed in the end.
Rothley y yo hemos insistido con tesón – e incluso diría que con terquedad– en debatir esta cuestión y plantear argumentos que finalmente han prevalecido.
Under your guidance, Mr Rothley and I have stubbornly – I would even say pig-headedly – insisted on discussing this issue and putting forward arguments that have prevailed in the end.
wilfully{adv.} [Brit.] (obstinately)
willfully{adv.} (obstinately)

Similar translations for "con terquedad" in English
Context examples for "con terquedad" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nunca comprendí la terquedad con que la Comisión se opuso a ello en un principio, una postura que carecía de fundamento lógico, político y jurídico.
I have never understood why the Commission initially fought against this so stubbornly; its stance could not be justified from a logical, political or legal point of view.
Rehusando con terquedad enfrentarse a los hechos, crea crisis que nadie entre la población siente realmente y, al promover una ilusión, provoca la decepción y siembra la frustración.
Stubbornly refusing to face facts, it creates crises that nobody among the people really feels and, by promoting an illusion, it leads to disappointment and sows frustration.
Rothley y yo hemos insistido con tesón –e incluso diría que con terquedad– en debatir esta cuestión y plantear argumentos que finalmente han prevalecido.
Under your guidance, Mr Rothley and I have stubbornly – I would even say pig-headedly – insisted on discussing this issue and putting forward arguments that have prevailed in the end.
Rothley y yo hemos insistido con tesón – e incluso diría que con terquedad– en debatir esta cuestión y plantear argumentos que finalmente han prevalecido.
Under your guidance, Mr Rothley and I have stubbornly – I would even say pig-headedly – insisted on discussing this issue and putting forward arguments that have prevailed in the end.