
"con delicadeza" in English

"con delicadeza" in English

Similar translations for "con delicadeza" in English
Context examples for "con delicadeza" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es cierto que debe hacerse con tino y delicadeza, pero debe seguir siendo impulsada.
Yes, it has to be done properly and sensitively, but it should be pushed forward.
Este es un asunto que afecta a toda la sociedad y debe tratarse con suma delicadeza.
This is a general social issue and must be treated with the greatest care.
En consecuencia, estos temas deben tratarse con total delicadeza.
Consequently, these issues should be handled in a very sensitive manner.
Las fuerzas de seguridad han evacuado a los colonos con delicadeza pero con firmeza y resolución.
The security forces evacuated the settlers sensitively but with resolve and determination.
El tabaco mata y no hay forma alguna de decirlo con delicadeza.
Smoking kills and there is no nice way to put that.
Sin embargo los temas deben ser tratados con delicadeza.
Admittedly the subjects have to be handled sensitively.
Me gustaría agradecer a su Señoría la característica delicadeza con la que me ha formulado su pregunta.
I should like to thank the Member for the characteristic grace with which he has directed his question towards me.
De modo que el Parlamento Europeo debe utilizar con extraordinaria delicadeza esa potente arma que tiene a su disposición.
So the European Parliament needs to use this powerful weapon at its disposal in an extremely sensitive manner.
En este punto hemos de actuar lógicamente con suma prudencia y delicadeza y, ante todo, hemos de escuchar a las empresas.
Here, we obviously have to proceed very circumspectly and with sensitivity, and above all to be receptive to companies.
Me gustaría agradecer a su Señoría la característica delicadeza con la que me ha formulado su pregunta.
We all know it is going to be introduced and we all know the Council and Parliament will discuss it, so you have told us absolutely nothing.
el tema se trató con delicadeza
the subject was dealt with in a tasteful way
En primer lugar, fue la propia señora Morvai la que contestó con delicadeza en este hemiciclo a lo que decían otras diputadas.
The first is that it was Mrs Morvai herself who tastefully responded in this assembly to what other Members were saying.
el tema está tratado con delicadeza
the subject is tastefully treated
lo hizo con mucha delicadeza
she did it in the nicest possible way
Incluso si esta percepción fuese errónea, todavía tendríamos que tratarla con respeto y delicadeza, ya que nuestra unidad es de suma importancia.
Even if this perception were wrong, we should still treat it with respect and care since our unity is of the utmost importance.
con mucha delicadeza
very gently
Carrère d´Encausse aborda todas estas cuestiones con sensibilidad y delicadeza política, pero también con realismo.
The report by Mrs Carrère d'Encausse touches upon all these problems with sensitivity, I would even say with political tenderness, but also with realism.
Me gustaría poner de relieve las dificultades halladas en los sectores ovino y caprino, que el señor Capoulas Santos ha tratado con mucha delicadeza.
I should like to emphasise the difficulties encountered in the sheep and goat sectors, with regard to which Mr Capoulas Santos has been very sensitive.
Se trata de un problema que debe abordarse con mucha delicadeza y con el valor de adoptar nuevas e innovadoras medidas relativas a la política penitenciaria.
This area must therefore be approached in a very sensitive way, with the courage to introduce new innovative measures concerning prison policy.
Quisiera agradecer al ponente su excelente trabajo y su serio compromiso; ha dirigido las negociaciones con extrema delicadeza y un estilo político positivo.
I would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work and his engagement. He led the negotiations in a very sensitive and positive political style.