
"aurora" in English

"aurora" in English
"aurora" in Spanish
Hoy encomiendo vuestra patria a la Virgen de la Puerta de la Aurora y a san Casimiro, patrono de Lituania.
Today I commend your nation to the Madonna of the Dawn Gate and to Saint Casimir, Patron of Lithuania.
María, aurora de los nuevos tiempos, quédate junto a nosotros, mientras con confianza recorremos los primeros pasos del Año Jubilar.
Mary, dawn of the new times, be at our side as we trustingly take our first steps into the Jubilee Year!
Dos eventos me anteceden en este día, separados por siglos y décadas, pero tan unidos al presente como la aurora de esta mañana.
Two events have preceded me today, separated by centuries and decades, but they are as connected with the present as this morning's dawn.
morning{noun} [poet.] (early period)
Dos eventos me anteceden en este día, separados por siglos y décadas, pero tan unidos al presente como la aurora de esta mañana.
Two events have preceded me today, separated by centuries and decades, but they are as connected with the present as this morning's dawn.
En efecto, igual que esta estrella junto con la « aurora » precede la salida del sol, así María desde su concepción inmaculada ha
"Morning Star" (Stella Matutina). For just as this star, together with the "dawn," precedes the rising of the sun, so Mary from the

Context examples for "aurora" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
la aurora de una nueva era
the dawning of a new age
la aurora austral
the southern lights
la aurora boreal
the northern lights
Disfruta de seis exclusivas escenas de Canadá con este tema gratuito de Windows7, con imágenes de la aurora boreal, vaporosas cascadas y embarcaciones de recreo en mansas ensenadas.
Enjoy six uniquely Canadian scenes in this free theme for Windows7, including the Northern Lights, misty waterfalls, and pleasure boats in quiet inlets.