
"Alemania Federal" in English

"Alemania Federal" in English

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Context examples for "Alemania Federal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Asimismo, estamos especialmente agradecidos a la República Federal de Alemania.
We are also particularly grateful to the Federal Republic of Germany.
Y a pesar de todo uno de ustedes ha llegado a Canciller federal en Alemania.
And nevertheless one of them has actually become Chancellor of Germany.
Esa conclusión no es mía, sino de la República Federal de Alemania.
That is not my evaluation - it is the evaluation of the Federal Republic of Germany.
El Gobierno federal de Alemania ha fallado totalmente en relación con la epidemia de EHEC.
The Federal Government in Germany completely failed in connection with the EHEC epidemic.
Tomemos el ejemplo de mi país, la República Federal de Alemania.
Let us take my own country, the Federal Republic of Germany, as an example.
Se celebran elecciones legislativas en la República Federal de Alemania.
Legislative elections are held in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Se celebran en la República Federal de Alemania elecciones legislativas.
Legislative elections are held in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Junto con nuestros socios, la República Federal de Alemania está poniendo en ello todo su empeño.
Working together with our partners, Germany is fully committed to that.
El gasoducto no está siendo construido por la República Federal de Alemania.
It is not being built by the Federal Republic of Germany.
Rau, Presidente de la República Federal de Alemania
Address by Mr Rau, President of the Federal Republic of Germany
En la Unión Europea tenemos unas 130 centrales nucleares y 19 en la República Federal de Alemania.
In the European Union we have about 130 nuclear power stations, 19 of which are in Germany.
Esto es positivo para el cambio de una gran coalición en la República Federal de Alemania.
This is something positive for a change from the grand coalition in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Es una actitud petulante y arrogante del Canciller de la República Federal de Alemania.
It shows presumptuousness and arrogance on the part of the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.
dos suplentes designados por la República Federal de Alemania,
two alternates nominated by the Federal Republic of Germany,
En la República Federal de Alemania se han publicado ayer las cifras de solicitantes de asilo del año pasado.
Yesterday the figures relating to applicants for asylum in Germany last year were published.
En el ejército de la República Federal de Alemania hay aún 1, 5 millones de estas minas antitanque.
In the Bundeswehr of the Federal Republic of Germany there are still 1.5 million of these anti-tank mines.
Además, esto es así en aquellos Estados miembros que tienen una estructura más federal, como Alemania.
That, moreover, is the case in those Member States which have a more federal structure, such as Germany.
Supongo que esta es la base de la última resolución de la República Federal de Alemania sobre este tema.
I assume that this is the basis for the latest ruling in the Federal Republic of Germany on this issue.
¿Por qué exportan armas a Turquía los Estados miembros de la UE, con la República Federal de Alemania a la cabeza?
Why do EU Member States, above all the Federal Republic of Germany, supply weapons to Turkey?
Puedo informar que el país que más trabajadores desplazados tiene es la República Federal de Alemania.
I can report that the country which posts the highest number of workers is the Federal Republic of Germany.