
"Alemania Occidental" in English

"Alemania Occidental" in English
¿Es necesario que le indique que hay diferencia entre la antigua Alemania Oriental y Alemania Occidental?
Coming from Belgium, I do not need to point out that there is a difference of opinion between Flanders and Wallonia, or between former East and West Germany?
Señor Presidente, en la República Federal Alemana comparece hoy en juicio un hombre que en su día pasó alemanes del Este a Alemania Occidental.
Mr President, today, in Germany, a man is appearing before the court who immigrated illegally from the former East Germany to West Germany.
Señor Presidente, en la República Federal Alemana comparece hoy en juicio un hombre que en su día pasó alemanes del Este a Alemania Occidental.
(DE) Mr President, today, in Germany, a man is appearing before the court who immigrated illegally from the former East Germany to West Germany.

Similar translations for "Alemania Occidental" in English
Context examples for "Alemania Occidental" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los dirigentes de la Alemania Occidental y Oriental se congregaron entusiasmados en lo que fue un ambiente marcado por la solemnidad y la alegría.
The leaders of West and East Germany enthusiastically came together in an atmosphere marked by solemnity and joy.
Sé de lo que estoy hablando ya que provengo de una región de Alemania a la que van a parar considerables recursos económicos de la Unión Europea y de la parte occidental de Alemania.
I know what I am talking about, since I come from a part of Germany which receives a considerable amount of funds from the European Union and western Germany.
Lo que sucede en Tibet es un asunto interno, igual que ha sido y sigue siendo asunto interno la reunificación de la Alemania oriental con la Alemania occidental.
What happens in Tibet is China's own internal affair, just as what happened and is happening in the eastern part of Germany that united with western part was, and is, an internal affair.
Al apoyar los planes del Kremlin, que busca imponer su dominio energético general en Europa occidental, Alemania pone a estos países en riesgo de sufrir un chantaje político por parte de Rusia.
By supporting the plans of the Kremlin, which is aimed at overall energy domination in Western Europe, Germany is putting these countries at risk of Russian political blackmail.
Por lo tanto, parece lógico que esa tarea se ceda en su conjunto al actual Eurocontrol, que ha controlado el espacio aéreo de los países del Benelux y de Alemania occidental durante mucho tiempo.
It would therefore seem obvious to hand over this task as a whole to the existing Eurocontrol that has monitored the airspace of the Benelux countries and western Germany for a long time.