
"alborear" in English

"alborear" in English
El futuro es de quienes en las incertidumbres del presente, saben ver venir el alborear de la mañana.
The future belongs to those who, despite the uncertainties of the present, can see the coming of tomorrow’s dawn.
y la mañana cuando alborea!
And by the Dawn when it shines forth;
Si todos conseguimos demostrar ese valor político y dejar de lado nuestras pequeñas y a veces grandes diferencias, el sol seguirá alboreando en Oriente.
If we can muster this political courage, all of us, and put our minor and sometimes major differences to one side, then the sun may yet dawn in the east.

Context examples for "alborear" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El futuro es de quienes en las incertidumbres del presente, saben ver venir el alborear de la mañana.
The future belongs to those who, despite the uncertainties of the present, can see the coming of tomorrow’s dawn.
El futuro es de quienes en las incertidumbres del presente, saben ver venir el alborear de la mañana.
Mr President, the future does not belong to those who allow themselves to disappear into the shadows of doubt and danger.