
"admirability" in Spanish

"admirability" in Spanish
That sets the background to this admirable resolution which is before us today.
Ese es el contexto de esta admirable resolución que tenemos sobre la mesa.
President, I have to compliment Mrs Sierra González on her admirable report.
Sierra González por su admirable informe.
Despite initial scepticism, the Convention has managed to strike an admirable compromise.
A pesar del escepticismo inicial, la Convención ha conseguido un compromiso admirable.
estimable{adj. m/f}
In this sense, the rapporteur's analysis strikes me as being an admirable starting point.
En este sentido, el análisis que en su día realizó el ponente me parece un punto de partida muy estimable.
admirable{adjective} [idiom]
meritorio{adj.} [form.]
Mr President, I would like to sincerely thank Finland's former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Väyrynen, for his admirable work.
Señor Presidente, quisiera agradecer sinceramente al diputado Väyrynen, ex Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Finlandia, su meritorio trabajo.
his behavior is admirable
su comportamiento es digno de admiración
In this respect, the methods proposed by Mrs Mosiek-Urbahn are entirely admirable.
Mosiek-Urbahn es, a ese respecto, absolutamente excelente.
In this report, the Commission too has expressed admirable intentions in the form of fine words.
También la Comisión ha reflejado en este informe unas intenciones excelentes expresadas en bellas palabras.
The offer by the Dutch government to establish the Criminal Tribunal in The Hague is, of course, admirable.
La propuesta del Gobierno neerlandés de establecer el Tribunal Penal en La Haya es, naturalmente, un hecho excelente.