
"abuelo" in English

Mi abuelo era un soldado alemán con afinidades danesas.
My grandfather was a German soldier with Danish sympathies.
Permítanme, en cambio, citar al abuelo de la resistencia británica frente al totalitarismo, Edmund Burke.
Let me instead quote the grandfather of British resistance to totalitarianism, Edmund Burke.
Naturalmente, se deben preservar los llamados "derechos de abuelo" de las actuales líneas aéreas pero sólo en parte.
Of course, the 'grandfather rights' of the existing airlines are to be safeguarded, but only to some extent.
grandad{noun} [coll.]
el abuelo se ha puesto peor desde que está en el hospital
Grandad has got worse since he's been in hospital
abuelo(also: abuela)
En la época de mis abuelos, costaba ir de Vitoria a Sevilla varios días.
In my grandparents' time, it took several days to travel from Vitoria to Seville.
Sin embargo, no puede quitar solamente la carpeta Hijos o Abuelos.
However, you can't remove only the folder called Children or Grandparents.
Les debemos a nuestros padres y abuelos un mensaje parlamentario firme, y eso es lo que hemos conseguido hoy.
We owe our parents and grandparents a firm parliamentary message, and that is what we have produced today.
gramps{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]
Una Cabeza Colossal de una estatua del abuelo del Rey Tut encontrado en el templo funerario de Amenhotep III.
Colossal Head from Statue of King Tut's Granddad Found at Amenhotep III Funerary Temple Site.
el abuelo les alcahuetea las travesuras
their granddad lets them get away with all kinds of things
¡oiga abuelo, por la otra puerta!
hey, granddad, use the other door!
pobre abuelo, con lo enfermo que está …
poor grandpa, he's so ill …
ayúdame a levantar al abuelo de la silla
help me to get grandpa up out of his chair
¿cómo hace el coche del abuelo?
what noise does Grandpa's car make?
Quizás tenga además una abuela que le da 500.000.
Then perhaps he has a grandmother who gives him another DM 500 000.
Esto me hace pensar en mi abuela, que decía a su hija: »tienes permiso para salir hasta las 10.
It makes me think of my grandmother who used to say to her daughter: if you are going out, you can stay out until 10 pm.
Esto me hace pensar en mi abuela, que decía a su hija:» tienes permiso para salir hasta las 10.
It makes me think of my grandmother who used to say to her daughter: if you are going out, you can stay out until 10 pm.
dad{noun} [Brit.] [slg.] (old man)
old boy{noun} (old man)
old guy{noun} [coll.]
old lady{f} [Brit.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "abuelo":
Context examples for "abuelo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
el abuelo se ha puesto peor desde que está en el hospital
Grandad has got worse since he's been in hospital
tu abuelo, que en paz descanse, se horrorizaría
your grandfather, God rest his soul, would be horrified
cameló al abuelo para que le diese dinero
she sweet-talked her grandfather into giving her some money
el abuelo les alcahuetea las travesuras
their granddad lets them get away with all kinds of things
Pruebas de su ADN han constatado que era el abuelo de Tutankhamun.
Digital Technology - rassegna delle soluzioni ICT per i beni culturali e la valorizzazione del territorio-, e le sale di incontro.
cameló al abuelo para que le diese dinero
she wheedled some money out of her grandfather
ayúdame a levantar al abuelo de la silla
help me to get grandpa up out of his chair
tiene un cierto dejo a su abuelo
he bears a certain resemblance to his grandfather
de cara se parece un poco al abuelo
her face faintly resembles her grandfather's
¿cómo sigue tu abuelo? — ahí anda
how's your grandfather getting on? — oh, so-so
tiene un cierto dejo a su abuelo
he has something of his grandfather about him
tiene un vago parecido al abuelo
her face faintly resembles her grandfather's
tenía dotes artísticas, como su abuelo
he was artistic, like his grandfather
estuvo genial en el papel del abuelo
he was wonderful as the grandfather
tu abuelo, que en paz descanse, …
your grandfather, God rest his soul, …
¡oiga abuelo, por la otra puerta!
hey, granddad, use the other door!
pobre abuelo, con lo enfermo que está …
poor grandpa, he's so ill …
¿cómo hace el coche del abuelo?
what noise does Grandpa's car make?
me hace acordar a mi abuelo
he reminds me of my grandfather
se insolentó con el abuelo
she was fresh to her grandfather