
"sordo" in English

"sordo" in English
sordo{adjective masculine}
sordo(also: sorda)
Sesenta aeronaves europeas están operando sobre Libia (60 aeronaves sordas y ciegas).
Sixty European aircraft are operating over Libya - 60 deaf and blind aircraft.
Si soy sordo en Irlanda, soy sordo en Europa.
If I am deaf in Ireland, I am deaf in Europe.
Hace falta estar completamente sordo para no haber entendido lo que estábamos sometiendo a votación.
One would have to be completely deaf not to understand what we were putting to the vote.
Si una persona eslovaca sorda puede utilizar el lenguaje de signos, permitan que los ciudadanos eslovacos utilicen su propia lengua materna.
If a Slovak deaf person can use sign language, let Slovak citizens use their own mother tongue.
sordo{adjective masculine}
Si soy sordo en Irlanda, soy sordo en Europa.
If I am deaf in Ireland, I am deaf in Europe.
Hace falta estar completamente sordo para no haber entendido lo que estábamos sometiendo a votación.
One would have to be completely deaf not to understand what we were putting to the vote.
No hay más sordo que el que se niega a escuchar.
There is none so deaf as those who will not hear.
dull{adj.} (not acute)
¿es una punzada o un dolor sordo?
is it a sharp pain or a dull ache?
dull{adj.} (muffled)
¿es una punzada o un dolor sordo?
is it a sharp pain or a dull ache?
heavy{adj.} (ponderous)
muted{adj.} (sound)
soundless{adj.} [poet.] (cry, scream)
unvoiced{adj.} [ling.]
voiceless{adj.} [ling.]
La mayor potencia comercial del mundo, como se autodenomina la Unión, parece dar la razón a quienes la califican irónicamente de diplomático sordo, militar ciego y soldado cojo.
The biggest trading power on earth, as our Union affects to call itself, seems to confirm the views of those who mockingly describe it as a voiceless diplomat, a blind general and a lame soldier.

Context examples for "sordo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
. – La reina de los Consejos de Ministros, el Ecofin, se ha caído de su pedestal con un golpe sordo.
. – The Queen of the Councils of Ministers, the Ecofin, has come tumbling off her pedestal with a loud thud.
se oyó un golpe sordo al encajar el cerrojo en su sitio
there was a clunk as the bolt went home
no hay peor sordo que el que no quiere oír
there are none so deaf as those who will not hear
Estas dos clases de hombres son como uno ciego y sordo y otro que ve y oye.
Verily, those who believe and do what is right, and humble themselves before their Lord, they are the Fellows of the Garden; they shall dwell therein.
el sordo seguía atentamente el movimiento de mis labios
the deaf man followed my lips
¿es una punzada o un dolor sordo?
is it a sharp pain or a dull ache?
cayó al suelo con un ruido sordo
it landed on the floor with a thud
pero ¿es que eres sordo?
are you deaf or something?
es que es sordo ¿sabes?
he's deaf, you see
es totalmente sordo
he's profoundly deaf
es completamente sordo
he is stone deaf
es sordo de nacimiento
he was born deaf
hacerse el sordo
to turn a deaf ear
ser sordo a algo
to be dead to sth
un poco sordo
hard of hearing
se quedó sordo
he went deaf