
"shareholders" in Spanish

As far as its future is concerned, Airbus needs a new shareholder pact, which places greater emphasis on industrial shareholders.
De cara al futuro, Airbus necesita un nuevo pacto accionarial, que deje más espacio al accionariado industrial.
They do not even know who their bosses are, because the business is part of a conglomerate of companies and nobody knows any longer who shareholders are.
No saben, ni siquiera, quiénes son sus patronos, porque la empresa forma parte de un conglomerado de sociedades donde ya no se sabe dónde termina el accionariado.
accionistas{f pl} [account.]
That means that the current shareholders must clearly declare their intentions.
Esto significa que los accionistas actuales deben indicar claramente sus intenciones.
It rests with the company's owners - the shareholders themselves.
Compete a los propietarios de la empresa: los propios accionistas.
Otherwise the danger is that the main burden will only be upon the shareholders.
De lo contrario, existe el peligro de que la carga principal recaiga sobre los accionistas.
– Commissioner, this issue of the basic shareholder is very dangerous.
– Comisario, esta cuestión del accionista de referencia es muy peligrosa.
An example is the legal relationship between shareholder and representative.
Un ejemplo es la relación jurídica entre accionista y representante.
How many votes does a shareholder attending a General Meeting of Shareholders have?
¿De cuantos votos dispone un accionista asistente a la Junta General de Accionistas?
– Commissioner, this issue of the basic shareholder is very dangerous.
– Comisario, esta cuestión del accionista de referencia es muy peligrosa.
An example is the legal relationship between shareholder and representative.
Un ejemplo es la relación jurídica entre accionista y representante.
How many votes does a shareholder attending a General Meeting of Shareholders have?
¿De cuantos votos dispone un accionista asistente a la Junta General de Accionistas?

Synonyms (English) for "shareholder":
Context examples for "shareholders" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The shareholders of the former companies become shareholders of the new company.
Los socios de las empresas que desaparecen obtienen acciones o participaciones en la sociedad resultante de la unión.
Do they want to carry on being shareholders, or do new financial and industrial partners need to be found?
¿Quieren mantener su participación o hay que buscar nuevos socios financieros e industriales?
I'm not surprised the shareholders want out
no me sorprende que los accionistas quieran deshacerse de las acciones
the shareholders have come down in favor of the proposal
los accionistas han resuelto aceptar la propuesta
they called on shareholders to attend the meeting
convocaron a los accionistas a asistir a la reunión
It is even more scandalous that public money was used to inflate shareholders’ dividends, for example at STMicroelectronics.
Por último, trata de la comercialización de los servicios públicos en detrimento de los ciudadanos.
the decision is now in the hands of the shareholders
queda librado al arbitrio de los accionistas
The shareholders of the disappearing companies receive shares in the company resulting from the merger.
La Unión Europea facilita la fusión de empresas de distintos Estados Miembros estableciendo unas normas comunes para todos.
Similarly, as far as protecting shareholders is concerned, I think that, without doubt, the protection of their rights should be strengthened.
Es un documento muy moderado y constructivo que evita deliberadamente una excesiva ambición.
shareholders should note that …
se comunica a los señores socios que …
A cooperative is owned by its members and profits are distributed equally, not paid out simply to shareholders.
Una cooperativa pertenece a los socios y los beneficios se reparten por igual, no siendo una simple remuneración de los titulares de acciones.
As a result, it will in reality be the Swedish pension funds and other bank shareholders themselves that will lose out.
En consecuencia, en realidad serán los fondos de pensiones suecos y otras partes interesadas del ámbito bancario quienes saldrán perdiendo.
syndicate of shareholders
sindicato de accionistas
shareholders' meeting
asamblea de accionistas
shareholders' meeting
junta de accionistas
When insiders make a killing in the space of a few minutes, small shareholders and honest brokers are the ones who bear the brunt.
Cuando los que operan con información privilegiada se enriquecen en pocos minutos, son los pequeños tenedores y los profesionales honestos quienes pagan las consecuencias.
The pharmaceutical industry is the industrial sector that in recent years has distributed the highest dividends to its shareholders, and it certainly has no need of even greater profits!
– Señor Presidente, quiero empezar dando las gracias a la ponente, la señora Grossetête, por su excelente trabajo.
It is a fraction of what the big oil companies use to buy up their own shares and make themselves rather less liable to the influence of their own shareholders.
La propia industria ha expresado siempre un gran interés por celebrar acuerdos voluntarios y quisiera demostrar públicamente su sentido de la responsabilidad.