
"self-aware" in Spanish

A self-aware human race with control over its means of production would attempt to satisfy everyone’s needs in the short and long term, while respecting nature.
Una humanidad consciente de misma y que domine sus medios de producción intentaría satisfacer las necesidades de todos a corto y a largo plazo, respetando la naturaleza.

Synonyms (English) for "self-aware":
Context examples for "self-aware" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They are emerging economies, industrialised countries and very self-aware.
Son economías emergentes, países industrializados y muy conscientes de ello.
We must perhaps be more self-aware, and we must be more critical of our own work.
Quizá hemos de ser más autoconscientes, hemos de ser más críticos frente a nuestro propio trabajo.
The pressure exerted by a self-aware, strong and united Europe would serve this purpose.
A este fin debe contribuir la presión ejercida por una Europa autoconsciente, sólida y unida.
It is a self-aware sector and is perfectly capable of standing on its own two feet.
Se trata de un sector con un alto grado de autoconciencia que puede valerse por sí mismo sin problema alguno.
However, the way in which Indonesia deals with the self-aware Aceh province and its freedom is also an important criterion.
Pero la manera en que Indonesia se ocupa de la arrogante provincia de Aceh y de su libertad constituye también un importante referente.
A self-aware human race with control over its means of production would attempt to satisfy everyone’s needs in the short and long term, while respecting nature.
Una humanidad consciente de sí misma y que domine sus medios de producción intentaría satisfacer las necesidades de todos a corto y a largo plazo, respetando la naturaleza.