
"romanas" in English

"romanas" in English
romanas{feminine plural}
romanas{adjective feminine plural}
romano{adjective masculine}
romanas{feminine plural}
Romans{pl} (demonym)
¡Que los romanos reclamen África y España, pues alguna vez fueron romanas!
Let the Romans reclaim Africa and Spain since they were once Roman!
romanas{adjective feminine plural}
¡Que los romanos reclamen África y España, pues alguna vez fueron romanas!
Let the Romans reclaim Africa and Spain since they were once Roman!
Podrá elegir entre cifras árabes y romanas o letras.
You can choose between arabic and roman numerals, or letters.
calzadas romanas
Roman roads
romano(also: romana)
Se manifiesta especialmente en la adhesión y obediencia al Romano
particular, it is expressed in the attachment and obedience to the Roman
Cuanto mayor sea el valor, mayor será la simplificación del número romano.
The higher the value, the greater is the simplification of the Roman number.
La frase no indica racismo contra nadie, y menos contra el pueblo romano.
The phrase does not indicate racism against anyone, least of all the Roman people.
romano(also: romana)
Roman{noun} (demonym)
Se manifiesta especialmente en la adhesión y obediencia al Romano
particular, it is expressed in the attachment and obedience to the Roman
Cuanto mayor sea el valor, mayor será la simplificación del número romano.
The higher the value, the greater is the simplification of the Roman number.
La frase no indica racismo contra nadie, y menos contra el pueblo romano.
The phrase does not indicate racism against anyone, least of all the Roman people.
romano{adjective masculine}
En el Imperio Romano se contaba el tiempo tomando como referencia el gobernador actual.
In the Roman Empire, time was marked in reference to the ruler at the time.
cumplida con exactitud será para el Romano Pontífice y los Obispos
accomplished, is considered by the Roman Pontiff and the bishops a valuable help
comunión jerárquica con el Romano Pontífice, constituyen el
hierarchic communion with the Roman Pontiff, make up the College of Bishops in
En el Imperio Romano se contaba el tiempo tomando como referencia el gobernador actual.
In the Roman Empire, time was marked in reference to the ruler at the time.
cumplida con exactitud será para el Romano Pontífice y los Obispos
accomplished, is considered by the Roman Pontiff and the bishops a valuable help
comunión jerárquica con el Romano Pontífice, constituyen el
hierarchic communion with the Roman Pontiff, make up the College of Bishops in
of Rome{adj.}
Se me ha ocurrido que en Italia, recordando los tiempos del Imperio Romano, se dice: "Todos los caminos llevan a Roma".
It occurred to me that, in Italy, we say, referring to the Roman Empire: 'All roads lead to Rome'.
Se me ha ocurrido que en Italia, recordando los tiempos del Imperio Romano, se dice: " Todos los caminos llevan a Roma ".
It occurred to me that, in Italy, we say, referring to the Roman Empire: 'All roads lead to Rome '.
Hominis, publicada al principio de mi servicio en la sede romana de San
beginning of my service in the See of Saint Peter in Rome, man "is the

Context examples for "romanas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
calzadas romanas
Roman roads
vías romanas
Roman roads