
"from Rome" in Spanish

"from Rome" in Spanish
from Rome{adjective}
from Rome{adjective}
romano{adj.} (de la ciudad)

Similar translations for "from Rome" in Spanish
Context examples for "from Rome" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is a notion from the good old days, from the Club of Rome, from zero growth.
Es un concepto de los buenos viejos tiempos, del Club de Roma, del crecimiento cero.
This is a regrettable loophole that should be removed from the Rome Statute.
Se trata de una laguna lamentable que se debe suprimir del Estatuto de Roma.
Kamil from Romania moved to Rome to join his girlfriend who worked there.
Kamil se traslada de Rumanía a Italia para estar con su novia, que trabaja en Roma.
We all know full well that in reality there is no market for services from Paris to Rome.
En realidad, sabemos muy bien que no hay mercado para los servicios de París a Roma.
of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, which will be held in Rome from
decimoctava Asamblea Plenaria del Pontificio Consejo para los Laicos, a
had come to Rome from the four corners of the world to bear witness,
comunidades, llegados a Roma desde los cuatro rincones del mundo para dar
held in Rome from 27 to 29 May 1998 will be published next in various
Congreso mundial de movimientos eclesiales celebrado en Roma los días
The EU’s robust competition policy dates from the Treaty of Rome.
La sólida política de competencia de la UE proviene del Tratado de Roma.
The European Parliament has been moved from Strasbourg to Rome.
La sede del Parlamento Europeo se ha trasladado de Estrasburgo a Roma.
We have five major expectations from the Rome Summit, which were alluded to by the presidency.
Tenemos puestas cinco grandes expectativas en la Cumbre de Roma, a las que ha aludido la Presidencia.
Jose Rodriguez Carballo, OFM, and concelebrated by a large group of Friars from the Friaries of Rome.
José Rodriguez Carballo, ofm, y concelebrada por un nutrido grupo de frailes de las Casas de Roma.
The CFP was a derogation in itself from the Treaty of Rome.
La PPC fue, a su vez, una derogación del Tratado de Roma.
The delegations will set off from Rome by train on the morning of 27 October, together with the Holy Father.
La mañana misma del 27 de octubre, las delegaciones saldrán de Roma en tren junto con el Santo Padre.
It is a commonplace of European rhetoric that we are formed by our inheritance from Greece and Rome.
Constituye un lugar común de la retórica europea decir que lo que nos constituye es nuestra herencia de Grecia y Roma.
if there's a call from Rome, put it straight through
si llaman de Roma, páseme la llamada enseguida
– I travelled from Milan to Rome by car.
– Estaba de viaje en coche de Milán a Roma.
do you know if she's back from Rome?
¿sabes si ha vuelto de Roma?
Alex Ilunga; and from Rome, Fr.
Alex Ilunga, y de Roma, Fr.
He later studied at the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome from where in 1986 he received his doctorate in Franciscan spirituality.
Más tarde estudió en la Pontificia Universidad Antonianum de Roma desde donde en 1986 recibió su doctorado en la espiritualidad franciscana.
The revolution is already happening and this time it is not (only) about students taking over campuses all over Europe from Paris to Rome.
La revolución ya está ocurriendo y esta vez no (sólo) se trata de los estudiantes a cargo de universidades de toda Europa desde París a Roma.