
"renta vitalicia" in English

"renta vitalicia" in English
renta vitalicia{feminine}
contrato de renta vitalicia
life annuity contract
annuity{noun} [idiom]
contrato de renta vitalicia
life annuity contract
Señor Kuckelkorn, nadie en este Parlamento opina que los planes complementarios no deban cubrir el riesgo de la longevidad mediante la adquisición de una renta vitalicia o algún otro instrumento.
Mr Kuckelkorn, no-one in this Parliament is of the opinion that supplementary pensions should not cover the longevity risk, through the purchase of an annuity or by some other tool.

Similar translations for "renta vitalicia" in English
Context examples for "renta vitalicia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
contrato de renta vitalicia
life annuity contract
En mi opinión, no tenemos derecho a una renta vitalicia si no aprendemos durante toda la vida, y esta afirmación tiene que definirse en sentido muy amplio.
In my view, we are not entitled to life-long earning without life-long learning and this has to be very broadly defined.
En mi opinión, no tenemos derecho a una renta vitalicia si no aprendemos durante toda la vida, y esta afirmación tiene que definirse en sentido muy amplio.
It is not a simple and easy fix that drew us to defining this position in Lisbon, it is a more complex and broadly defined strategy.