
"prisionero político" in English

"prisionero político" in English
Mario Scaramella es un prisionero político.
Mario Scaramella is a political prisoner.
Está asignado al módulo reservado a los condenados a muerte de la prisión de Túnez, cuando es un prisionero político.
He was moved to the area in Tunis prison that is reserved for those sentenced to death, despite the fact that he is a political prisoner.
No nos olvidemos tampoco del undécimo Panchen Lama, el prisionero político más joven, que ha permanecido bajo custodia china durante 14 años.
Let us also not forget the Eleventh Panchen Lama, the youngest political prisoner, who has been in Chinese custody for 14 years.

Similar translations for "prisionero político" in English
Context examples for "prisionero político" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Tal y como está ahora, el Presidente Obama es prisionero de su sistema político, ya que necesita 67 votos en el Senado.
As it stands, President Obama is a prisoner of his political system, for he needs 67 votes in the Senate.
Mario Scaramella es un prisionero político.
Mario Scaramella is a political prisoner.
Está asignado al módulo reservado a los condenados a muerte de la prisión de Túnez, cuando es un prisionero político.
He was moved to the area in Tunis prison that is reserved for those sentenced to death, despite the fact that he is a political prisoner.
No nos olvidemos tampoco del undécimo Panchen Lama, el prisionero político más joven, que ha permanecido bajo custodia china durante 14 años.
Let us also not forget the Eleventh Panchen Lama, the youngest political prisoner, who has been in Chinese custody for 14 years.
La figura del prisionero político, señor Presidente, debería desaparecer totalmente de Iberoamérica y también de Cuba, y la violencia contra el disidente ser desterrada.
The idea of the political prisoner, Mr President, must be totally eliminated in Latin America, and in Cuba, and violence against dissidents must be stamped out.
Mis colegas del Grupo del PPE-DE y yo hemos adoptado simbólicamente al prisionero político Antonio Díaz Sánchez, condenado a veinte años de prisión por el régimen totalitario cubano.
My colleagues from the PPE-DE Group and I have symbolically adopted political prisoner Antonio Díaz Sánchez sentenced to twenty years of incarceration by Cuban totalitarian regime.
Mis colegas del Grupo del PPE-DE y yo hemos adoptado simbólicamente al prisionero político Antonio Díaz Sánchez, condenado a veinte años de prisión por el régimen totalitario cubano.
My colleagues from the PPE-DE Group and I have symbolically adopted political prisoner Antonio Díaz Sánchez sentenced to twenty years of incarceration by Cuban totalitarian regime.