
"por boca" in English

"por boca" in English
por boca{adverb}
orally{adv.} (with, through the mouth)
Los corticosteroides pueden inhalarse, o tomarse por boca (vía oral), o ser inyectados en las venas (vía intravenosa).
Corticosteroids can be inhaled, or taken by mouth (orally) or through a drip into the veins (intravenously).

Similar translations for "por boca" in English
Context examples for "por boca" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me gustaría escuchar por boca de la Presidencia de la Unión Europea lo que piensa hacer al respecto.
I should like to hear from the EU Presidency what it intends to do about this.
Los derivados del tiol pueden administrarse nebulizados (respirados) o por vía oral (por la boca).
Thiol derivatives may be either nebulized (breathed in) or oral (by mouth).
Señor Presidente, es interesante que la Comisión hable por boca de dos Comisarios.
Mr President, it is interesting that the Commission is speaking through the mouths of two Commissioners.
La Comisión de Industria habla más por boca de los productores y no quiere que se proceda de esa forma.
The Committee on Industry voices more the views of the producers and does not want this.
¡Sin duda habla por boca de la virtud teologal de la esperanza!
No doubt it is inspired by the religious virtue of hope!
Ya es hora de que oigamos por boca de la propia Comisión si ha empezado ya a elaborar estas directrices.
It is time we heard from the Commission itself whether it has yet started to develop these guidelines.
La discriminación habla por boca de políticos e instituciones, como el Vaticano, que debería saberlo mejor.
Discrimination is given voice by politicians and institutions, such as the Vatican, that should know better.
Sin embargo, los socialistas declararon, entonces por boca del Sr. Baldarelli, que iba a ser el último acuerdo que aprobarían.
Mr Baldarelli, on behalf of the socialists, said that this was the last agreement that they would approve.
Resulta alentador oír por boca del Sr. de Miguel los grandes avances acontecidos bajo la Presidencia española.
It is encouraging to hear from Mr de Miguel about the considerable progress that has been made during the Spanish Presidency.
Lo hemos dicho, lo seguiremos diciendo y les puedo asegurar que, por mi boca, siempre se hará la misma condena.
We have said so, we will continue to say so and I can assure you that, for my part, I will always condemn the current policy.
Esta es la política hablada por boca de ganso y también llevada a la práctica para estimular a pequeñas y medianas empresas.
Think of the lip-service paid, as well as the actual practice of stimulating small and medium-sized enterprises.
por boca de
the organization has made it clear, through the general secretary …
El que lo oigamos por boca del Presidente de la Comisión supone para nosotros un motivo de satisfacción, al menos de momento.
That we should hear this from the mouth of the President of the Commission is for us a cause for satisfaction, at least for the moment.
¿Por qué?
We need to be careful, for federalism is so dazzling that it destroys with its hands those concepts which it asserts with its own mouth.
Respetamos la opinión del Consejo, que hemos escuchado por boca del señor Schmit, que la califica, cuando menos, de adecuada y suficiente.
We respect the opinion of the Council, as expressed by Mr Schmit, who describes it, at least, as appropriate and sufficient.
por la boca muere el pez
talking too much can be dangerous
También nos ha alegrado escuchar por boca de la Ministra que el Consejo está dispuesto a buscar un compromiso y una vía para el acuerdo.
We were also delighted to hear from the Minister that the Council is ready to seek a compromise and a way of reaching agreement.
lo supe por boca de su hermana
I heard it from his sister
le chorreaba la leche por la boca
she was dribbling milk
echaba espuma por la boca
he was foaming at the mouth