
"pay cut" in Spanish

"pay cut" in English

Synonyms (English) for "pay cut":
Context examples for "pay cut" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
One knot that we still have to cut concerns pay.
Un aspecto que todavía hay que solucionar tiene que ver con la paga.
The pay of those who join profit-sharing companies goes up, while those that leave have to bear a substantial pay cut.
La remuneración de aquellos que entran en las empresas con participación en beneficios aumenta, mientras que quien las abandona sufre una sensible reducción del sueldo.
The sources of revenue are limited in number, some are on the wane and additional expenditure can only ever be financed if expenditure elsewhere is cut to pay for this.
Los ingresos están limitados, en parte retroceden, y los gastos adicionales solamente son financiables si se suprimen en contrapartida otros gastos.
Why should women, by virtue of being the only ones with the biological possibility of bearing children, take a pay cut during their leave?
¿Por qué se debe reducir el salario de las mujeres durante su baja por maternidad por el simple hecho de que sean las únicas que biológicamente tengan la posibilidad de tener niños?