
"oliendo" in English

"oliendo" in English
oler(also: olfatear)
Olía a petróleo y, si no olía a dólares, era porque sabemos desde siempre que el dinero no huele.
It smelt of oil and if it did not smell of dollars, that was because we have known since ancient times that money has no smell.
Para aprender cómo huelen las flores o las frutas es mejor comprar el artículo natural.
To learn what flowers or fruit smell like it is better to buy the natural article.
Pero puedo decirles que la revolución de las rosas no olía a rosas.
Well, I can tell you the rose revolution did not smell of roses.
oler(also: olfatear)
to scent {v.t.} (smell)
– Señor Presidente, cuando los servicios de interés general se eliminaron del ámbito de aplicación de la controvertida Directiva de servicios olimos la victoria.
Mr President, we scented victory when services of general interest were excluded from the scope of the controversial Services Directive.
– Señor Presidente, cuando los servicios de interés general se eliminaron del ámbito de aplicación de la controvertida Directiva de servicios olimos la victoria.
Mr President, we scented victory when services of general interest were excluded from the scope of the controversial Services Directive.
De esta forma, podremos cerrar la boca a la prensa que está totalmente salvaje y huele sangre cada año cuando aparece el Tribunal de Cuentas con su informe.
In that way, we can shut the press up, which is merciless and scents blood every year when the Court of Auditors produces its report.
to sniff {v.t.} (smell)
oler algo
to sniff at sth
oler algo
to have a sniff of sth

Context examples for "oliendo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si lleva usted a un niño a la escalera que tenemos a la salida del restaurante, seguirá oliendo a humo la media hora siguiente.
If you take children to our own stairwell outside the restaurant here, they smell of smoke for half an hour afterwards.