
"objetivo principal" in English

"objetivo principal" in English
El objetivo principal de esa próxima decisión será la preparación para el invierno.
The main objective of this forthcoming decision will be preparation for the winter.
Su objetivo principal es otro: se trata de hacer que progrese la causa federalista.
The report's main objective is instead to advance the federalist cause.
El objetivo principal del informe era examinar las cuestiones presupuestarias y financieras.
The main objective of this report was to look at budgetary and financial questions.

Similar translations for "objetivo principal" in English
Context examples for "objetivo principal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
, y éste es el objetivo principal.
Therefore, this is a 'later' which is not 'very late', and that is our main aim.
El objetivo principal de esa próxima decisión será la preparación para el invierno.
The main objective of this forthcoming decision will be preparation for the winter.
, y éste es el objetivo principal.
Therefore, this is a 'later ' which is not 'very late ', and that is our main aim.
No basta con que la OMC tenga como principal objetivo ampliar el comercio.
It is not enough for the WTO to be given the main objective of extending trade.
por objetivo principal el testimoniar visiblemente ante el mundo el misterio
namely of offering to the world visible proof of the unfathomable mystery of
En primer lugar, no debemos olvidar que el objetivo principal es proteger a los jóvenes.
First of all, we must not forget that the main target is to protect young people.
Nuestro principal objetivo es alcanzar y mantener las normas que prevalecen en Europa.
Our primary objective is to reach and maintain the standards that prevail in Europe.
El objetivo principal es asegurar que haya dinamismo en esta cuestión.
The most important objective is to ensure that there is momentum on this issue.
El objetivo principal de esta Directiva consistía en armonizar las normas al nivel europeo.
The main object of this directive was to harmonise standards at Community level.
Esto podría comprometer el principal objetivo de la Presidencia portuguesa del Consejo.
This could compromise the main priority of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council.
Nuestro principal objetivo es hacer todo lo que podamos para que se ponga en marcha.
Our primary objective is to do everything we can to bring it up to speed.
El principal objetivo era garantizar la seguridad eficaz de las redes informáticas de la UE.
The main objective was to guarantee effective security for the EU's IT networks.
Comparto y saludo el objetivo principal, pero me pregunto¿cuál es su contenido mensurable?
I share and salute the headline goal, but I wonder what is its measurable content?
Un buen enfoque es hacer que la cohesión territorial sea el principal objetivo.
One good approach is to make territorial cohesion the main objective.
Su objetivo principal es otro: se trata de hacer que progrese la causa federalista.
The report's main objective is instead to advance the federalist cause.
Sin embargo, nuestro principal objetivo es la abolición de la pena de muerte en general.
Our main goal, however, is to advocate the abolition of the death penalty in general.
El objetivo principal es salvar la producción agrícola de la cosecha 2009.
The main aim is to save the agricultural production of the 2009 harvest.
Porque nuestro principal objetivo es la consolidación definitiva del proceso de Barcelona.
Because our main objective is the definitive consolidation of the Barcelona process.
El objetivo principal del informe era examinar las cuestiones presupuestarias y financieras.
The main objective of this report was to look at budgetary and financial questions.
La seguridad debería ser el principal objetivo de la Comisión, del Parlamento y del Consejo.
Safety should be the prime objective of the Commission, Parliament and the Council.