
"notoriamente" in English

"notoriamente" in English
notoria{adjective feminine}
Los colores estructurales son notoriamente difíciles de medir de forma repetida.
Structural colors are notoriously difficult to measure in a repeatable manner.
Los grupos de consumidores han señalado que resulta notoriamente difícil rastrear el origen de una enfermedad hasta el producto agrario primario.
Consumer groups have pointed out that it is notoriously difficult to trace a disease back to the primary agricultural product.
El BCE no hace nada por la cotización del euro, notoriamente sobrevalorado, que pesa sobre nuestras exportaciones y facilita aún más las importaciones a bajo precio.
The ECB does nothing for the rate of the euro, which is notoriously overvalued, is a drain on our exports and still facilitates low-price imports.
También se redujeron notoriamente las lesiones en la zona media y superior del rostro, aunque los cascos no previnieron las lesiones faciales inferiores.
Injuries to the mid and upper face were also markedly reduced, although helmets did not prevent lower facial injuries.
La burocracia excesiva es una señal notoria de gastos administrativos inmoderados.
Excessive bureaucracy is a glaring signal of immoderate administrative costs.
Existe realmente una notoria asimetría entre las dos partes.
There is, indeed, a glaring asymmetry between the two parties.
No obstante, existe una notoria inconsistencia en el enfoque que adopta Europa ante la industria marítima.
However, there is a glaring inconsistency in Europe's approach to the maritime industry.

Context examples for "notoriamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La estratificación según el tipo de enfermedad hepática no afectó notoriamente los resultados.
Stratification according to the type of liver disease did not affect noticeably the results.
La transposición nacional ha sido notoriamente desigual.
But when it came to implementing the directive in national law, things turned out very differently.
Las injusticias en el mundo han aumentado notoriamente durante los dos decenios de liberalismo.
The past two decades of neo-liberalism have led to a spectacular increase in unfairness and inequality around the planet.
Así, en general, los medios financieros asignados a la estabilización en esta zona son notoriamente insuficientes.
In general, the financial resources allocated to the stabilisation of this area are widely known to be insufficient.
Pero hay otro grupo que, como es habitual, está notoriamente ausente de este debate: los Estados miembros.
But there is one other group that characteristically is conspicuously missing from this debate, and that is the Member States.
Actualmente, esto afecta notoriamente a Air France, Iberia y Lufthansa, que poseen una participación minoritaria de Amadeus.
At present this palpably concerns Air France, Iberia and Lufthansa, which have a minority holding in Amadeus.
No sé si será un gran éxito, pero el debate en curso ha cambiado notoriamente la conciencia de la sociedad.
I do not know if it will be a great success, but the debate itself which is under way has changed the awareness of society very much.
las cosas habían mejorado notoriamente
there had been a marked improvement
No se habla nunca de protección, aun cuando los instrumentos de defensa comercial de la UE son notoriamente insuficientes y se utilizan de forma aleatoria.
They never mention protection, even though the EU's trade defence instruments are manifestly inadequate and randomly used.
Durante su larga carrera, Pr Stovel contribuyó notoriamente a la conservación del patrimonio y a la Convención del patrimonio mundial en particular.
During his long career, Professor Stovel made an outstanding contribution to heritage conservation and to the World Heritage Convention in particular.
Esta cimentación de la Unión en el Derecho queda notoriamente simbolizado en el acto durante el cual los altos funcionarios juran su puesto ante el Tribunal Europeo de Justicia al completo.
This anchoring of the Union in the law is strikingly symbolised by its highest officials taking the oath in front of the entire European Court of Justice.