
"nos vemos" in English

see ya[Amer.] [coll.] [idiom]
nos vemos{interjection}
bueno, lo dicho, nos vemos el domingo
right, that's settled then, I'll see you on Sunday
Nos vemos en el cielo.
See you in heaven.
nos vemos mañana
see you tomorrow

Similar translations for "nos vemos" in English
Context examples for "nos vemos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nos vemos obligados a adoptar una medida que supera nuestra capacidad de comprensión.
We are required to decide on a measure which stretches our credulity to the limit.
En el Parlamento Europeo a menudo nos vemos sometidos, en efecto, a presiones de tiempo.
We in the European Parliament often see ourselves being put under pressure of time.
Todos vemos y nos enfrentamos a los problemas de delitos por odio y discriminación.
We all see and face the problems of hate crimes and discrimination.
En cuanto a Grecia, ahora nos vemos obligados a mirarnos en el espejo.
As regards Greece, we are now being forced to take a look in the mirror.
Nos vemos amenazados por una espiral mundial descendente que no podemos aceptar ni aceptaremos.
We are threatened by a global downward spiral, which we cannot and will not accept.
Ahora nos vemos obligados a interrumpir este debate hasta las nueve y media de la noche.
We now have to adjourn the continuation of this debate until 9.30 p.m.
Señor Presidente, en nuestra vida cotidiana nos vemos rodeados de sustancias químicas.
Mr President, we are surrounded by chemicals in our everyday lives.
Nos vemos limitados a ocuparnos de pequeñeces y en nimias tareas administrativas.
All we can do is sit around counting paper clips and spend our time in petty administrative tasks.
En materia de gestión de residuos, nos vemos enfrentados a un desafío muy importante.
We are facing an enormous challenge in terms of waste management.
Si nos vemos obligados a usar tropas es porque en algo hemos fracasado.
If we have to use military troops, then we have gone wrong somewhere.
Ésta es la conclusión que nos vemos obligados a extraer si consideramos que el programa pretende:
This is the conclusion we are bound to draw when we see that the programme seeks to:
Nos sentimos europeos y vemos nuestro futuro íntimamente ligado al de la Unión Europea.
We feel European, and we see our future as intimately bound up with that of the European Union.
Ha transcurrido un año y nos vemos obligados a reconocer que estamos lejos de alcanzar tal objetivo.
One year on, we are obliged to note that we are far from achieving this objective.
Ahora nos vemos obligados a contemplar pasivamente el triste desarrollo de los hechos.
Now we have to stand by idly and watch the whole thing go wrong.
Ahora nos vemos obligados a criticar a la mayoría del Senado norteamericano.
We need now to criticise the majority in the American Senate.
Desgraciadamente, nos vemos forzados a comprobar que el trabajo concreto de reformas ha sido muy lento.
Unfortunately, we have to say that the practical reforms have made slow progress.
Ahora bien, nos vemos aquí confrontados a un muy buen ejemplo de esta falta de democracia.
Well, here we have an excellent example of this lack of democracy.
A falta de codecisión, nos vemos obligados a tomar nota de ello.
With no codecision, we are forced to acknowledge this state of affairs.
Hoy nos vemos obligados a señalar que no muchas de estas promesas se han cumplido realmente.
Today, we are forced to observe that not many of these promises have actually been fulfilled.
La premura de tiempo es enorme y nos vemos obligados a encontrar soluciones en estas circunstancias.
We are under enormous time pressure and have to find solutions under these conditions.