
"nerviosismo" in English

En vísperas de tal evento, es comprensible que cunda cierto nerviosismo.
On the eve of such an event, a certain nervousness is understandable.
Reconoció que se estaban abriendo nuevas vías que podrían causar cierto nerviosismo en algunos círculos.
He observed that new ground was being broken, which might cause nervousness in some quarters.
El nerviosismo se ha propagado.
The nervousness has spread.
fussiness{noun} [Brit.] (busyness, excitability)
nerve{noun} (anxiety)
tenseness{noun} (of person)

Context examples for "nerviosismo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En tercer lugar, los índices bursátiles despuntan hacia arriba y abajo en señal de claro nerviosismo.
Thirdly, prices on the stock exchange are jumping up and down, reflecting the general concern.
el titubeo de su voz revelaba su nerviosismo
the hesitancy in his voice betrayed his nervousness
el nerviosismo que producen los exámenes
the feeling of nervousness that examinations produce
noté cierto nerviosismo entre los espectadores
I noticed some agitation among the spectators
me lo dijo con nerviosismo creciente
as she told me she got more and more agitated
su alegría pronto dio paso al nerviosismo
her joy soon gave way to nervousness
Evidentemente, ciertas manifestaciones de nerviosismo demuestran la dificultad política que atraviesa su Grupo en este momento.
Clearly, this irritable behaviour is evidence of the political difficulties currently being experienced by his group.
hay cierto nerviosismo en la Bolsa
the stock market is suffering from nerves
Por supuesto, eso aumenta el nerviosismo y aumentan las apuestas sobre quién será el primero en alcanzar la línea de meta.
As a result, tension is rising, of course, as are the number of sweepstakes on who will be crossing the finishing line first.
se retorcía las manos con nerviosismo
she was wringing her hands nervously
Probablemente la causa de este nerviosismo radique en las eventuales consecuencias que la incorporación pueda tener en el seno del partido gobernante.
This uneasiness is, in all likelihood, about the possible consequences within the governing party, too.
Los agonistas beta2 pueden causar efectos adversos, como temblor, estremecimientos y nerviosismo.
The trials were of short duration (three to seven days) and only two used inhaled beta2-agonists (which is now the usual administration route for adults and older children).
reinaba un fuerte nerviosismo
tension was high
Señorías, el caso Renault es tan grave que es comprensible la preocupación y, en cierto modo, el nerviosismo que se ponen de manifiesto.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Renault crisis is so serious that it is easy to understand these demonstrations of emotion and a certain amount of excitement.
Al mismo tiempo que hay Consejos Europeos hay elecciones europeas, nacionales y de ámbito regional, y en todas ellas se confirma nuestro nerviosismo.
At the same time as there are meetings of the European Council, European, national and regional elections are being held and all of these confirm our apprehensions.
Sé que, efectivamente, el momento de salida es cuando se anuncia la pregunta siguiente, y entiendo que haya un cierto nerviosismo, pero, por favor, no se adelanten.
I know the actual starting point is when the next question is announced, and I understand that people get a bit edgy, but please do not be too quick off the mark.
El segundo punto de nerviosismo es que, aunque se supone que la Comisión desea un nivel uniforme de seguridad en todos los mares de la Unión Europea, esto no sucede.
The second cause for concern is that, despite the fact that the Commission supposedly wants uniform safety standards at sea throughout the European Union, this is not the case.
Este nerviosismo me parece harto extraño.
There has been quite a commotion in the United Kingdom and elsewhere about whether even the very word convergence should be mentioned in the texts, and I find this very strange.