
"moralizer" in Spanish

"moralizer" in Spanish
The moral of the story is that they had learnt nothing from history.
La moraleja del cuento es que no habían aprendido nada de la historia.
The moral of Zapata's case is that one cannot ignore the harsh realities of the Cuban dictatorship.
La moraleja del Caso Zapata es que no es posible ignorar la dura realidad de la dictadura cubana.
It appears to me that a moral can be drawn from the Buttiglione affair, and that this affair has claimed three victims.
Me parece que del asunto Buttiglione se desprende una moraleja y que ha habido tres víctimas.
moral{adj. m/f}
A new sentence will probably mean their moral and political execution.
Una nueva sentencia significará probablemente su ejecución moral y política.
Such indifference almost inevitably leads to a false moral autonomy and a
Tal indiferentismo lleva casi inevitablemente a una falsa autonomía moral
That is the moral, political and legal responsibility of the next mandate.
Es responsabilidad moral, política y jurídica de la próxima legislatura.

Synonyms (English) for "moral":