
"mala pasada" in English

"mala pasada" in English
mala pasada{feminine}
le jugaron una mala pasada
they played a dirty trick on him
me jugó una mala pasada
he played a dirty trick on me

Similar translations for "mala pasada" in English
Context examples for "mala pasada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Presidenta, se trata nuevamente de una mala pasada.
Madam President, here again we are witnessing a nasty trick.
El hecho de que el Parlamento sólo disponga en este terreno de la competencia de colaboración nos juega aquí una mala pasada.
The fact that Parliament only has advisory powers in this area plays a part in this.
los nervios me jugaron una mala pasada
my nerves got the better of me
le jugaron una mala pasada
they played a dirty trick on him
No podemos, bajo ningún concepto, gastarle una mala pasada a la política medioambiental subvencionando actividades perjudiciales para el medio ambiente.
We cannot in any circumstances damage environmental policy by supporting actions disadvantageous to the environment.
me jugó una mala pasada
he played a dirty trick on me
jugarle una mala pasada a algn
to do the dirty on sb
jugarle una mala pasada a
to play foul with one
Observamos que un incidente como el que ha ocurrido en el caso de los Kurdos nos juega una mala pasada y que realmente no sabemos cómo reaccionar.
We then see that when an incident, such as this situation with the Kurds, concerns us, we do not really know how to respond to it.
una mala pasada
a shabby trick
una mala pasada
a low trick
Que la propaganda dirigida sobre el euro no haya demostrado su valor, es completamente achacable a la falta de realismo que aquí juega una mala pasada.
The fact that the euro propaganda campaign is not delivering the goods is entirely down to a lack of sense of reality which is playing tricks here.
Pienso, en la medida en que conozco personalmente a la policía nacional de El Salvador, que la ineficacia jugará una mala pasada a la sociedad salvadoreña.
I think, in as much as I have personal knowledge of the national police of Salvador, that the ineffectiveness of the Salvadoran society is playing tricks.