
"mal trago" in English

"mal trago" in English
bitter pill{noun} [fig.]
Y aunque los gobiernos propongan a veces a candidatos controvertidos, hoy el mal trago no lo están pasando los gobiernos, sino el propio señor Barroso.
Yet although the governments sometimes put forward controversial candidates, it is unfortunately not the governments, but MrBarroso himself who has to swallow the bitter pill today.

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Context examples for "mal trago" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, al Gobierno de mi país le ha tocado este mal trago.
Mr President, it has fallen to my country's government to drink of this bitter cup.
Sin embargo, el mal trago militarista se endulza con referencias a operaciones humanitarias y de gestión de crisis.
The militaristic pill is sugared, however, by reference to humanitarian operations and crisis management.
me da la impresión de que no te vendría mal un trago
you look as though you could use a drink
Es fácil agitar la quimera de una presión fiscal limitada para que pase el mal trago que constituye la armonización fiscal.
It is very easy to raise the spectre of limited tax pressure in order to get people to swallow tax harmonization.
ese sí que fue un mal trago
that really was an awful experience
no me vendría mal un trago
I wouldn't mind a drink
Y aunque los gobiernos propongan a veces a candidatos controvertidos, hoy el mal trago no lo están pasando los gobiernos, sino el propio señor Barroso.
Yet although the governments sometimes put forward controversial candidates, it is unfortunately not the governments, but MrBarroso himself who has to swallow the bitter pill today.
Desgraciadamente, parece que la labor por la transparencia sigue siendo en numerosas ocasiones un mal trago para algunas instituciones, pero creo que estamos avanzando también en este sentido.
Unfortunately, working towards greater transparency often still leaves a bad taste in the mouths of those in some institutions, although I believe that we are making headway in this matter.