
"lustro" in English


Synonyms (Spanish) for "lustro":
Context examples for "lustro" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Y no estoy hablando de una década, estoy hablando de un lustro a lo sumo.
I am not talking about a decade here, but five years at most.
Se prevé que en algunos países africanos la esperanza de vida será de menos de 30 años dentro de un lustro.
It is predicted that in some African countries life expectancy will be under 30 in five years’ time.
Es probable que 1997 sea el primer año de un lustro en que Europa se logrará definitivamente o no se logrará jamás.
1997 will be the first of five years during which, in all likelihood, Europe will either come into being once and for all, or not at all.
Probablemente este reto será el alma de la dialéctica constitucional que se desarrollará entre la Unión Europea y los Estados nacionales en el próximo lustro.
The constitutional dialectic between the EU and its Member States over the next five years will probably be dominated by this challenge.