
"lo resistente" in English

"lo resistente" in English
ruggedness{noun} (of construction, engine)

Similar translations for "lo resistente" in English
Context examples for "lo resistente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
resistente, lo que significa que si falla un fotograma durante la transmisión, el resto del vídeo no
meaning that if one frame is dropped during transmission, the rest of the video will not be
Nuestra barca debería ser lo suficientemente resistente como para sobrevivir a la tempestad.
Our boat should be big enough to weather the storms.
El éxito de Lisboa nos dice que la Unión Europea es, ciertamente, más resistente de lo que parece y que goza de una gran capacidad para recuperarse de los reveses.
The success of Lisbon tells us that the European Union is, indeed, tougher than it looks, with a strong ability to recover from setbacks.
. - Señor Presidente, aquí estamos de nuevo analizando la tirita y preguntándonos si es lo suficientemente grande y resistente como para cubrir la herida.
author. - Mr President, here we are again examining the sticking plaster and wondering if it is large enough and strong enough to cover the wound.
Personalmente, no quiero comprar bajo ninguna circunstancia un producto al que se haya añadido un gen que lo haga resistente, por ejemplo, al round up.
For example, I would not wish to buy, under any circumstances, a foodstuff manufactured from a product to which a gene has been added making it resistant to 'Round Up ', let us say.