
"laughter" in Spanish

"laughter" in Spanish
There is an Italian proverb which says, literally: " laughter makes good blood ".
En Italia existe un refrán que reza: " La risa hace buena sangre ".
Your child’s laughter, the colour of its skin and eyes, all were already present in the embryo.
La risa de su niño, el color de su piel y sus ojos, todo ya existía en el embrión.
(Laughter and applause) We shall now proceed to the vote on Mr Macartney's report.
(Aplausos y risas) Se procede a la votación del informe del Sr. Macartney.
(Laughter and applause) We shall now proceed to the vote on Mr Macartney's report.
(Aplausos y risas) Se procede a la votación del informe del Sr. Macartney.
(Laughter) I cannot give my position on all the amendments in detail.
(Risas) No puedo exponer mi opinión en detalle sobre cada una de las enmiendas.
(Applause and laughter) I mean comrade in the 'comradely' way.
(Aplausos y risas) Quiero decir camarada en el sentido de "camaradería».
there was a burst of laughter from the table in the corner
se oyeron carcajadas en la mesa del rincón
to roar with laughter
reírse a carcajadas
they were screaming with laughter
se estaban riendo a carcajadas
the suggestion was received with guffaws of laughter
la sugerencia fue recibida con risotadas
the place reverberated with the sound of their laughter
el lugar retumbaba con sus risotadas
they were braying with laughter
soltaban enormes risotadas

Synonyms (English) for "laughter":
Context examples for "laughter" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(El Presidente pregunta al orador si no quiere continuar su discurso en francés)
(Laughter ) The Commission must continue to play its political role forcibly and quite independently.
La Comisión debe seguir desempeñando su papel político con firmeza y total independencia.
(Laughter) This is a matter of crucial importance to mankind.
Este tema tiene una importancia decisiva para la humanidad.
amid laughter he announced the result of the draw
anunció el resultado del sorteo en medio de las risas de la gente
there was a burst of laughter from the table in the corner
se oyeron carcajadas en la mesa del rincón
the suggestion was received with guffaws of laughter
la sugerencia fue recibida con risotadas
the place reverberated with the sound of their laughter
el lugar retumbaba con sus risotadas
the news sent them into paroxysms of laughter
la noticia los hizo desternillarse de risa
the house rang with the laughter of children
la casa resonaba con risas infantiles
she broke into a fit of hysterical laughter
empezó a reírse histéricamente
we roared with laughter at his jokes
todos nos carcajeamos con sus chistes
(Laughter ) It would be a good idea to take steps to secure universal recognition so that all these countries recognize the European passport.
Convendría que hubiera una norma general para que todos esos países reconozcan el pasaporte de la Unión Europea.
they burst into peals of laughter
se empezaron a reír a carcajadas
they were screaming with laughter
se estaban riendo a carcajadas
he collapsed into convulsive laughter
le dio un ataque de risa
amid laughter from the audience
entre las risas del público
she screeched with laughter
soltó una carcajada estridente
they were braying with laughter
soltaban enormes risotadas
laughter is the best medicine
la risa es el mejor remedio
there was a burst of laughter
hubo una explosión de risas