
"largamente" in English

"largamente" in English
at length{adv.}
Otros diputados al Parlamento Europeo han hablado largamente de ello.
My fellow MEPs have talked at length about this.
Señora Presidenta, hemos debatido largamente este asunto y lo hemos tratado personalmente con el Sr.
Madam President, we have discussed this at great length and negotiated with Mr Oostlander in person.
Podríamos hablar largamente de Chipre.
We could talk at length about Cyprus.
A pesar de esto, sin embargo, dudé durante largamente si votar a favor del informe.
Despite this, however, I hesitated for a long time over whether to vote for the report.
Luchamos largamente por brindarle un estatuto adecuado para que el Defensor del Pueblo pudiera acceder a controlarlo todo.
We fought for a long time to obtain a proper statute so that the Ombudsman might have the opportunity to inspect everything.
Señor Presidente, señoras y señores Comisarios, señor Presidente del Consejo, se ha debatido largamente sobre la Agenda 2000 y ha ocasionado largas discusiones.
Mr President, Commissioners, Mr President-in-Office, we have been discussing and arguing about Agenda 2000 for a long time.
lengthily{adv.} (talk, write)

Context examples for "largamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Quisiera destacar tres aspectos que han sido largamente debatidos en esta Cámara.
I would now like to highlight three issues that have long been debated in this House.
Señor Presidente, he dicho que las propuestas han sido " largamente esperadas ".
Mr President, I am referring to the proposals as being " long-awaited ".
A pesar de esto, sin embargo, dudé durante largamente si votar a favor del informe.
Despite this, however, I hesitated for a long time over whether to vote for the report.
Señor Presidente, he dicho que las propuestas han sido "largamente esperadas" .
Mr President, I am referring to the proposals as being "long-awaited" .
Solo lo logrará dando buen ejemplo y propiciando la claridad tan largamente esperada.
You can only do that by setting a good example and creating that long-overdue clarity.
Considero que no es necesario reflexionar largamente para estar de acuerdo con esta percepción.
I do not think that particular thought is needed in order to adopt this perception.
Insistiremos largamente en esta cuestión cuando hablemos del informe sobre los recursos propios.
We will return to this matter in detail when we discuss the report on own resources.
En primavera discutimos más largamente sobre este mismo tema en cuanto al nombramiento del señor Stark.
In the spring, we debated this very subject further to Mr Stark's appointment.
No obstante, todavía será necesario debatir largamente sobre dicho concepto de la subsidiariedad.
But there is still a long way to go in defining subsidiarity.
Esta es una reforma que es tan necesaria como largamente esperada.
This is a reform which is both necessary and overdue.
Otros diputados al Parlamento Europeo han hablado largamente de ello.
My fellow MEPs have talked at length about this.
He debatido largamente este tema con mis homólogos.
I have had on-going discussions on this matter with my colleagues.
El asunto de los comestibles también se ha debatido largamente.
The issue of foodstuffs has also been widely debated.
De ahí que pida a la Comisión que adopte el tan largamente esperado Libro Blanco sobre esta materia.
Hence my question to the Commission if it is going to tackle this topic in the long-awaited White Paper.
Señora Presidenta, hemos debatido largamente este asunto y lo hemos tratado personalmente con el Sr.
Madam President, we have discussed this at great length and negotiated with Mr Oostlander in person.
Hay una frase en la Biblia que todos conocerán: " la esperanza que se extiende largamente enferma el corazón ".
There is a phrase in the Bible that colleagues will know: 'Hope long deferred maketh the heart sick '.
Mis palabras, señor Presidente, serán muy breves porque ya hemos discutido largamente la cuestión en primera lectura.
I can be very brief, Mr President, because this matter was discussed at some length at first reading.
Esto, en parte, se ha hecho esperar largamente.
But some have had to wait for it longer than others.
Únicamente actualizan el texto de esta enmienda, por lo que no creo que tengamos que debatir largamente sobre las mismas.
They merely update the text of this amendment, so I do not think we need to have much discussion on them.
su aparición fue largamente ovacionada
her appearance was greeted by sustained applause