
"job access" in Spanish

"job access" in English

Context examples for "job access" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Therefore, it is our job to ensure such access without complicated negotiations with insurance companies.
Por consiguiente, nuestra tarea es garantizar ese acceso sin necesidad de complicadas negociaciones con compañías de seguros.
It is one thing to be in a job and have this condition, but if you have the condition it is virtually impossible to access a job subsequently.
Una cosa es tener un trabajo y estar enfermo, pero si uno está enfermo es virtualmente imposible acceder a un puesto de trabajo con posterioridad.
The success of an effective resettlement programme requires access to job opportunities for adults and immediate integration of minors in schools.
El programa en materia de reasentamiento requiere un acceso a oportunidades laborales para adultos y la inmediata integración de los menores en centros educativos.
Poverty means much more than simply being out of work, and those who experience extreme poverty on a daily basis are not just looking for a job; they want proper access to existing rights.
Pobreza significa mucho más que estar sin trabajo, y aquellos que experimentan diariamente la pobreza extrema no sólo buscan trabajo; quieren un acceso apropiado a los derechos existentes.