
"jigsaw puzzle" in Spanish

"jigsaw puzzle" in Spanish
To me, this is like a jigsaw puzzle that is nearing completion.
Para mí es como un rompecabezas que vamos a concluir pronto.
It sometimes seems that we are playing around with a jigsaw puzzle and do not even know what all the pieces are.
A veces parece que estemos jugando con un rompecabezas del que ni siquiera conocemos todas las piezas.
a piece of the jigsaw puzzle
una pieza del rompecabezas
With a jigsaw puzzle, it is important on the one hand that the pieces are all there, and on the other hand, that you have the right pieces.
En un puzzle es importante que por una parte esté completo el número de piezas y que por otra se tengan las piezas adecuadas.
This shows that we are not working on a piecemeal basis; we are putting together a jigsaw puzzle, a jigsaw that involves revising the Dublin Convention.
Eso significa que no estamos trabajando de forma fragmentaria, sino que estamos construyendo un puzzle.
Belarus is the missing piece of Europe's democratic jigsaw puzzle, and I long for the day when it rejoins the European family.
Belarús es la pieza que falta en el puzzle democrático de Europa, y espero ansiosamente el día en el que vuelva a reunirse con la familia europea.

Context examples for "jigsaw puzzle" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It’s like an immensely rewarding jigsaw puzzle.”
Es como la satisfacción de terminar un enorme puzle”.
Visa liberalisation in the Western Balkans is not a jigsaw puzzle with which you might wish to amuse yourselves.
La liberalización de los visados en los Balcanes Occidentales no es un acertijo con el que ustedes quieran divertirse.
a piece of the jigsaw puzzle
una pieza del rompecabezas