
"International Court of Justice" in Spanish

"International Court of Justice" in English
As you are aware, the Kosovo unilateral declaration of independence is currently subject to court proceedings in the International Court of Justice.
Como sabe, la declaración de independencia unilateral de Kosovo es actualmente objeto de un proceso ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia.
In the case of the Kosovo problem, we will have to wait and see whether the International Court of Justice determines the action to have been contrary to international law.
En el caso de Kosovo, tendremos que esperar y ver si la Corte Internacional de Justicia determina que la acción ha vulnerado el Derecho internacional.

Synonyms (English) for "International Court of Justice":
Similar translations for "International Court of Justice" in Spanish
Context examples for "International Court of Justice" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It also has to follow the recommendations of the International Court of Justice.
Asimismo, tiene que seguir las recomendaciones del Tribunal Internacional de Justicia.
The International Court of Justice in The Hague rules on international disputes.
El Tribunal Internacional de Justicia de La Haya decide sobre los litigios interestatales.
The International Court of Justice in The Hague has pointed this out.
El Tribunal Internacional de Justicia de La Haya ha llamado la atención sobre este hecho.
Today marks the 60th anniversary of the International Court of Justice.
El Tribunal Internacional de Justicia cumple hoy 60 años.
It is, however, true that this obvious case must be submitted to the International Court of Justice.
No obstante, es cierto que este caso evidente debe llevarse ante la Corte Penal Internacional.
This should take the decision or opinion of the International Court of Justice as its starting point.
Este diálogo debería asumir el dictamen de la Tribunal Internacional de Justicia como punto de partida.
Almost exactly one year ago the International Court of Justice issued custody orders for some of these perpetrators.
Hace ahora casi un año que la Corte Penal Internacional ordenó que se detuviese a algunos de estos criminales.
(DE) I would just like the official title of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice to be included.
(DE) Solo quiero que se incluya el título oficial de la opinión consultiva del Tribunal Internacional de Justicia.
Your support is crucial, especially now, on the eve of the issuing of the International Court of Justice opinion.
Su apoyo es crucial, en especial ahora, justo antes de que se emita el dictamen de la Tribunal Internacional de Justicia.
We also have warrants out for the arrest of Karadzic and Mladic, and we have the International Court of Justice.
También tenemos una orden de busca y captura de Karadzic y Mladic. Así mismo, tenemos un Tribunal Internacional de Justicia.
Otherwise they should bring the dispute, within a reasonable period of time, to the International Court of Justice to decide.
En otro caso, deberían presentar el conflicto ante el Tribunal Internacional de Justicia en un plazo razonable.
All we need to do now is to wait for the international community itself to cooperate with the International Court of Justice.
Yo diría que ahora se trata de esperar la colaboración de la misma comunidad internacional con el Tribunal Internacional.
It was indeed an extraordinary gesture on the part of the Serbian Government to hand over Mr Milosevic to the International Court of Justice.
Efectivamente, ha sido un paso excepcional que Servia haya entregado a Milosevic al Tribunal Internacional.
International Court of Justice
Corte Internacional de Justicia
Unresolved disputes must be brought before the International Court of Justice within a reasonable period of time or at the latest by 2004.
Los litigios no resueltos deberán ser presentados en un plazo razonable al Tribunal Internacional de Justicia, en 2004, a más tardar.
Quite recently, the International Court of Justice has stated that the possession of weapons of mass destruction contravenes international law.
El Tribunal Penal Internacional ha constatado recientemente que la tenencia de armamento nuclear contraviene el Derecho internacional.
As you are aware, the Kosovo unilateral declaration of independence is currently subject to court proceedings in the International Court of Justice.
Como sabe, la declaración de independencia unilateral de Kosovo es actualmente objeto de un proceso ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia.
I hope that the Council will join with the United Kingdom in seeking referral of the question of abolition of Legco to the International Court of Justice.
Espero que el Consejo se una al Reino Unido en intentar que el tema de la abolición del Consejo Legislativo llegue al Tribunal Internacional de Justicia.
We are worried about funding for human rights, as we are too about funding in respect of the International Court of Justice in the Hague.
Nos preocupa la financiación de la actividad a favor de los derechos humanos, al igual que la financiación en relación con el Tribunal Internacional de Justicia de La Haya.
Madam President, the Liberals in Europe are deeply engaged in trying to get a permanent International Court of Justice for War Crimes established.
Señora Presidenta, los liberales de Europa estamos muy interesados en el establecimiento de un Tribunal Internacional permanente para juzgar los crímenes de guerra.