
"ingenuamente" in English

"ingenuamente" in English
ingenua{adjective feminine}
Colegas bienintencionados han caído ingenuamente en esta trampa antieuropea.
Well-intentioned colleagues have fallen naively into this anti-European trap.
En los Países Bajos pensamos ingenuamente que se trata de una directiva orientada a la liberalización.
In the Netherlands, we naively believe that the directive is one on liberalisation.
. - He votado en contra de esta resolución, que encuentro casi ingenuamente pro nuclear.
. - I voted against this resolution, which I found almost naively pro-nuclear.
artlessly{adv.} (innocently)
fondly{adv.} (foolishly, vainly)
ingenuously{adv.} (naively)
Colegas bienintencionados han caído ingenuamente en esta trampa antieuropea.
Well-intentioned colleagues have fallen naively into this anti-European trap.
En 1939 se creía, ingenuamente, que el sacrificio de determinados Estados menores satisfaría al agresor.
In 1939 it was naïvely believed that sacrificing selected smaller states would satisfy the aggressor.
En los Países Bajos pensamos ingenuamente que se trata de una directiva orientada a la liberalización.
In the Netherlands, we naively believe that the directive is one on liberalisation.
mug{noun} [Brit.] [coll.] (gullible person)
ingenua{adjective feminine}
Ya se muy bien que semejante formulación o afirmación es un tanto ingenua.
I realise that such words or statements are a little naive.
Creo que la Comisión debe ser un poco menos ingenua al respecto.
I think that the Commission needs to be a bit less naive in this respect.
La idea de que la baja por maternidad remunerada animará a las mujeres a tener hijos es ingenua.
The idea that paid maternity leave will encourage women to have children is naive.

Context examples for "ingenuamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Algunos argumentarán ingenuamente que se trata de una coincidencia, pero yo señalaría que observadores más objetivos destacarían la proximidad de las elecciones europeas.
This Commission deserves to be censured, and future Commissioners need to know that they will take political responsibility for the actions of their DGs.
Ingenuamente me ha conmovido que haya calificado mi respuesta de alentadora, aunque no me ha sorprendido mucho oír a continuación cómo la tachaba de decepcionante.
The Council is well aware of the issues raised by the honourable Member and shares her view that measures on energy efficiency are one of the key instruments in tackling climate change.
La exposición de motivos tiene en cuenta ingenuamente "la inexistencia de un acuerdo" entre los Estados, el hecho de que "el Consejo se opuso enérgicamente" y el rechazo "las empresas".
The explanatory statement clearly records that "no agreement was reached" between Member States, that there was "considerable opposition in the Council" and that there was rejection by "business".