
"in broth" in Spanish

"in broth" in Spanish
in broth{adverb}
caldoso{adj. m} [gastro.]

Similar translations for "in broth" in Spanish
Context examples for "in broth" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
But I say to them, the proverb may apply to broth but not to our coasts.
Pero yo les digo que esto puede que sea cierto para la olla pero no para nuestras costas.
In Germany we have a saying: too many cooks spoil the broth.
En Alemania existe el bello refrán de "muchos cocineros descomponen la olla ".
It is not only in the well-known proverb, but also in this present instance, that too many cooks spoil the broth.
Demasiados cocineros echan a perder el cocido, no sólo en este conocido refrán sino también en el presente caso.
too many cooks spoil the broth
muchas manos en un plato hacen mucho garabato
lysine and ornithine broth
caldo con lisina y ornitina
trypticase soy broth
caldo con tripticasa de soja
chicken broth
caldo de gallina
It is encouraging to see that the Italian Government is doing very well in that respect, by targeting those who disseminate hatred and tension, those who create and propagate that culture broth.
Es alentador ver que el Gobierno italiano está actuando muy bien en este terreno, centrándose en los que diseminan el odio y la tensión, en los que crean y propagan ese caldo cultural.