
"imbroglio" in Spanish

"imbroglio" in Spanish
The European Parliament has indeed just proved this by getting into an imbroglio which it has not been able to get out of.
Por lo demás, el propio Parlamento Europeo acaba de demostrarlo al sumirse en un embrollo del que no ha logrado salir.
a political imbroglio
un embrollo político
What money can we use to enter into another imbroglio, like the Lisbon Strategy, which was never achieved but certainly not for want of trying by the European Parliament?
¿Con cuánto dinero contamos para meternos en otro embrollo, como la Estrategia de Lisboa, que nunca se consiguió, sin duda no porque el Parlamento Europeo no lo intentara?

Synonyms (English) for "imbroglio":
Context examples for "imbroglio" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Secondly, a military solution to the Afghan imbroglio is not possible.
Segundo, no es posible una solución militar para la enrevesada situación afgana.
Another example is last week's renewed imbroglio in Ukraine.
Otro ejemplo es el renovado altercado de la semana pasada en Ucrania.
The European Parliament has indeed just proved this by getting into an imbroglio which it has not been able to get out of.
Por lo demás, el propio Parlamento Europeo acaba de demostrarlo al sumirse en un embrollo del que no ha logrado salir.
a political imbroglio
un embrollo político
Prime Minister, in a recent speech, you stated that 'the Union has turned into an institutional and instrumental imbroglio' .
Señor Primer Ministro, recientemente usted ha declarado en un discurso público que "la Unión se ha trasformado en una maraña de instituciones y de instrumentos" .
Prime Minister, in a recent speech, you stated that 'the Union has turned into an institutional and instrumental imbroglio '.
Señor Primer Ministro, recientemente usted ha declarado en un discurso público que " la Unión se ha trasformado en una maraña de instituciones y de instrumentos ".
What money can we use to enter into another imbroglio, like the Lisbon Strategy, which was never achieved but certainly not for want of trying by the European Parliament?
¿Con cuánto dinero contamos para meternos en otro embrollo, como la Estrategia de Lisboa, que nunca se consiguió, sin duda no porque el Parlamento Europeo no lo intentara?