
"histórica" in English

"histórica" in English
histórica{adjective feminine}
histórica{adjective feminine}
Desgraciadamente, la Unión Europea ha empezado perdiendo una oportunidad histórica.
Unfortunately, the European Union began by missing an historic opportunity.
Este Tratado Constitucional tiene una importancia histórica en muchos sentidos.
This Constitutional Treaty is of historic importance in many regards.
Negociemos ahora seriamente y siendo conscientes de nuestra responsabilidad histórica.
Let us now negotiate seriously and with a sense of our historic responsibility.
Los actuales dirigentes son conscientes de su responsabilidad histórica.
Today' s leaders are conscious of their historical responsibility.
Los actuales dirigentes son conscientes de su responsabilidad histórica.
Today's leaders are conscious of their historical responsibility.
El Partido Conservador austríaco asume una responsabilidad histórica.
The Austrian People's Party must accept some historical responsibility for this.

Context examples for "histórica" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La Unión Europea es la primera experiencia histórica de globalización civilizada.
The European Union is the first experience of civilised globalisation in history.
Croacia siempre ha formado parte de Europa, cultural, histórica y geográficamente.
Croatia has always been part of Europe – culturally, historically and geographically.
que es el fruto del trabajo del cerebro humano y la confirmación histórica del
of machinery which is the fruit of the work of the human intellect and a
refieren a aquella antigua espera histórica del Salvador, es plenamente
and to the beginning of the third, it becomes fully comprehensible that in this
¿Cuál es, pues, esa verdad histórica siempre cambiante, pero cuyo debate está prohibido?
What is the still uncertain truth of this history, discussion of which is forbidden?
Ref.: 15 Ciudad histórica versus paisaje histórico urbano Begoña BERNAL SANTA OLALLA (Spain)
Moldavia pertenece histórica y culturalmente a la Europa del sudeste.
This has given rise to increased interest in the EU in the world around us.
. - (NL) Europa se encuentra en una encrucijada histórica.
in writing. - (NL) We in Europe are standing at a crossroads in history.
No diré si ha sido o no ha sido histórica, el futuro lo decidirá.
We also managed to resolve certain delicate and difficult diplomatic issues.
Pero hay algo más que está ocurriendo: un momento de intuición histórica en todo el mundo.
But something else is happening - a light bulb moment around the world.
Helmer carecía de comprensión histórica.
Mr McCartin pointed out quite rightly that Mr Helmer had no understanding of history.
Ahora bien, el proceso de la ampliación histórica de Europa no ha concluido.
In my brief contribution, I shall deal with just one topic and that is the topic of enlargement.
Los socialistas europeos nos encontramos en medio de una batalla histórica.
EU protectionism that hides itself behind social policy or consumer protection is preposterous.
Por ejemplo, América Latina, la histórica subdotación de América Latina.
An example of this is Latin America and its notorious underfunding.
De marca histórica en marca histórica, hasta el pasado 17 de julio, llegó a los 9.337 puntos.
It then went from record to record and last June peaked at 9337 points.
Moldavia pertenece histórica y culturalmente a la Europa del sudeste.
Moldova belongs historically and culturally to South-Eastern Europe.
adaptándolo, al mismo tiempo, a la situación histórica concreta.
accordance with the eternal truths, at the same time being adapted to the
persona en su compleja identidad, trascendental e histórica.
facts, and focuses on the human person in his or her integral, transcendent,
El lugar de Irlanda está en Europa, tanto histórica como políticamente.
Ireland's home lies in Europe, both historically and politically.
Negociemos ahora seriamente y siendo conscientes de nuestra responsabilidad histórica.
I do not think it would be right of us today or tomorrow to take decisions as to whether it will be.