
"hampa" in English

"hampa" in English
asesinato del mundo del hampa
gangland murder
capo del hampa
gangland boss

Context examples for "hampa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Rumanía es un paraíso para las bandas del hampa locales, protegidas por el sistema de justicia y la policía.
Romania is a paradise for local underworld gangs protected by the justice system and police.
El hampa, despreciable como es, está sacando provecho de los vacíos legales creados por este sistema sin que nadie se le oponga.
The underworld, contemptible as it is, is profiting from the loopholes created by this system without anyone standing in its way.
el hampa
the underworld
La Unión Europea debe ayudar y reforzar a las fuerzas más sanas de la región y distanciarse de aquellos que pretenden transformarse en agentes políticos a partir del hampa y el crimen organizado.
The European Union must assist and strengthen the healthy forces in the area and must keep its distance from those trying to turn the underworld and organised crime into political agencies.