
"frenetically" in Spanish

"frenetically" in Spanish
Why not make that a priority instead of frenetically legislating to take away our privacy all the time?
¿Por qué no hacemos que eso sea una prioridad, en lugar de legislar frenéticamente para arrebatarnos en todo momento la intimidad?
They were months during which Europe was still living to the frenetic rhythm of developments in the financial crisis and in sovereign debt.
Hubo meses durante los que Europa todavía vivía el ritmo frenético de los acontecimientos en la crisis financiera y en la deuda soberana.
Mr President, the name of a specific debate has become the subject of a frenetic internal parliamentary discussion.
Señor Presidente, el nombre de un debate específico se ha convertido en objeto de un frenético debate parlamentario interno.
Mr President, the name of a specific debate has become the subject of a frenetic internal parliamentary discussion.
Señor Presidente, el nombre de un debate específico se ha convertido en objeto de un frenético debate parlamentario interno.

Synonyms (English) for "frenetically":