
"Father Christmas" in Spanish

"Father Christmas" in Spanish
Mr Barroso, it is up to you to find out in January whether you have been Father Christmas or Scrooge.
Señor Barroso, le corresponde a usted descubrir si ha sido usted Papa Noel o Scrooge.
all that rubbish about Father Christmas
todas esas paparruchadas sobre Papá Noel
all that rubbish about Father Christmas
todas esas paparruchas sobre Papá Noel

Synonyms (English) for "Father Christmas":
Similar translations for "Father Christmas" in Spanish
Context examples for "Father Christmas" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In this particular case letters to Father Christmas will get us nowhere.
En este caso concreto, las cartas a los Reyes Magos no nos van a servir de nada.
I liked what Mr Seixas da Costa said about Father Christmas.
Me ha gustado mucho lo que el Sr. Seixas da Costa ha dicho sobre Santa Claus.
Mr Barroso, it is up to you to find out in January whether you have been Father Christmas or Scrooge.
Señor Barroso, le corresponde a usted descubrir si ha sido usted Papa Noel o Scrooge.
Today, most European governments believe in free trade the way children believe in Father Christmas.
La mayoría de los gobiernos europeos cree en el libre mercado como los niños creen en Santa Claus.
Madam President, at this time every year, parents intervene to ensure that letters are received by Father Christmas.
Señora Presidenta, en esta época del año los padres suelen intervenir para asegurarse de que Santa Claus recibe sus cartas.
all that rubbish about Father Christmas
todas esas paparruchadas sobre Papá Noel
The problem is that in this case Father Christmas has to follow orders and therefore he can only give presents when he is authorised by others to do so.
Ahora bien, en este caso Papá Noel sólo puede dar regalos cuando son autorizados por otros.
all that rubbish about Father Christmas
todas esas paparruchas sobre Papá Noel
It is like believing in Father Christmas for some of the Member States to try to prop up unviable businesses or sectors.
Es como creer en Papá Noel o en Santa Claus en mitad del bochorno veraniego, el que ciertos Estados miembros concedan subvenciones colosales a empresas o sectores no rentables.
The European Parliament must not just play Father Christmas, but must apply itself to securing more simple and more transparent legislation.
El Parlamento Europeo no tiene tampoco que jugar sólo el papel de Rey Mago, sino simplemente ocuparse con empeño de hacer más sencillas y transparentes las normativas.
It remains to be seen whether Father Christmas's sleigh will be included in the scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community.
Falta por ver si el trineo de Santa Claus quedará incluido en el sistema de comercio de derechos de emisión de gases de efecto invernadero de la Comunidad.
If I could ask for a Christmas present given that I still believe in Father Christmas I should like to see IGC conclusions which are agreed upon, which are upheld and which leave no leftovers.
Si pudiera pedir un regalo de Navidad –puesto que todavía creo en Papá Noel–, quisiera que se llegara a conclusiones en la CIG, que se mantuvieran y que no dejaran flecos.