
"Pascuas" in English

"Pascuas" in English
Pascuas{feminine plural}
Pascuas{feminine plural}
¡felices Pascuas!
Happy Christmas!
¡felices Pascuas!
merry Christmas!
A todos los diputados se nos ha repartido unas tarjetas de felicitación UNICEF muy bonitas con el fin de que las utilicemos para felicitar las Pascuas y el Año Nuevo.
All Members of the European Parliament have had some very attractive UNICEF Christmas cards handed out to them to use for their Christmas and New Year greetings.
La Pascua de Jesús también es la Pascua del mundo.
Easter is not only for Jesus but also for the world.
tránsito, de la pascua existencial, cuando Cristo, gracias a su
passage, our own personal Easter experience, when Christ, by virtue of his
Los Polinesios poblaron muy probablemente la isla de Pascua.
It is likely that the Polynesian populated Easter Island.
de profesarla en el umbral del tercer milenio, porque la Pascua de Cristo
the threshold of the third millennium, because the Passover of Christ is
Eucaristía, sacramento de Cristo, nuestra Pascua, difundiremos por
Christ our Passover in procession through the streets of Rome, we will be
Pascua: es decir, es fruto de su sacrificio, que arranca la raíz
Christ's peace is the fruit of his Passover, that is, the fruit
Algunos ciudadanos de los Estados miembros tradicionalmente sacrifican cerdos en Navidad y corderos en Pascua.
Some citizens in the Member States traditionally slaughter pigs for Christmas and lambs for Easter.
pasamos la Pascua en Roma
we spent Christmas in Rome
la vi para la Pascua
I saw her at Christmas

Context examples for "Pascuas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
estar más contento que unas pascuas
to be as pleased as Punch
estar más contento que unas pascuas
to be as happy as Larry
más contento que unas pascuas
happy as a clam
de Pascuas a Ramos
once in a blue moon
¡felices Pascuas!
Happy Christmas!
¡felices Pascuas!
merry Christmas!