
"fashionably" in Spanish

"fashionably" in Spanish
a la moda{adv.}
they're fashionably dressed
van vestidos a la moda
They are killed for fashion, and Europe is the market for that fashion.
Las matan por la moda y Europa es el mercado de esa moda.
Once Italy exported fashion; nowadays it exports racism.
Antes, Italia exportaba moda; ahora, exporta racismo.
The new fashion now is to promote smoking among young girls as a weight-control measure.
La moda ahora es promover el tabaquismo entre las chicas jóvenes como forma de controlar el peso.
Albinos are murdered in a particularly brutal fashion in Tanzania, however.
Pero en Tanzania los albinos son asesinados de una manera particularmente brutal.
The European Union should react in a realistic and rational fashion.
La Unión Europea debe reaccionar de una manera realista y racional.
Right now only Havana and Pyong Yang operate in such an opaque fashion.
Actualmente solo La Habana y Pyongyang funcionan de manera tan opaca.
Poisoning children in this fashion is no way to start them out on life.
Envenenar a los niños de este modo no es forma de iniciarlos en la vida.
The military, which has become independent after a fashion, has played a role.
Los militares, que en cierto modo se han hecho independientes, han intervenido en esta situación.
Terrorism cannot be dealt with in a generalised fashion.
No se puede abordar el terrorismo de un modo genérico.
as was my fashion
como era mi costumbre

Synonyms (English) for "fashion":
Context examples for "fashionably" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There is nothing new in what is now fashionably called 'the comprehensive approach'.
No hay nada nuevo en lo que ahora se denomina como "el enfoque completo".
they're fashionably dressed
van vestidos a la moda