
"familia política" in English

"familia política" in English
la familia política
the in-laws

Context examples for "familia política" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En cuanto al tema de los servicios públicos, convenza usted a su familia política.
With regard to the issue of public services, convince your political family.
Espero que los Jefes de Gobierno de nuestra familia política puedan reunirse allí.
I hope that I can bring together government leaders from our political family there.
La familia es también política de juventud. Debe ser protegida y fortalecida.
The family, too, is a youth policy, and must be protected and reinforced.
Aunque pertenecemos a la misma familia política, no siempre estamos de acuerdo.
Although we belong to the same political family, we have not always agreed with each other.
Ya ha sido censurado por esto por su propia familia política.
He has already been criticised within his own political circles for saying this.
¿Recuerda la familia política de dicho Primer Ministro?
Do you remember which political family that prime minister belonged to?
Usted pertenece, al igual que la mayoría de miembros del Consejo, a la familia política de François Mitterrand.
Like the majority of the Council, you belong to the political family of François Mitterrand.
Milosevic pertenecía originalmente a su familia política.
I would just like to remind Mr Wurtz that Mr Milosevic was the force behind his political family.
Con este informe damos una señal política de que les esperamos en la familia política de Estrasburgo.
In this report we are giving a political signal, telling them that we await them in the Strasbourg family.
Pero no es una mayoría basada en una familia política.
But it is not a majority based on one political family.
Creo que este informe animará a los Estados miembros a adoptar medidas que impulsen la política de familia de la UE.
I believe that the report will inspire Member States to adopt measures to improve family policy within the EU.
Durante más de 50 años, la familia política a la que pertenezco ha animado y apoyado el desarrollo de Europa.
For more than 50 years the political family to which I belong has encouraged and supported the development of Europe.
Sistemáticamente ha acusado de los problemas a los gobiernos de mi familia política y se ha apuntado usted los tantos.
You have systematically blamed the governments from my political family for problems and scored points off them.
No podemos acusar al Consejo de Europea ni al Alto Comisario de la OSCE de pertenecer a una determinada familia política.
We cannot accuse the Council of Europe and the OSCE High Commissioner of belonging to a particular political family.
De hecho, Noam, el padre de Gilad Shalit, ha confirmado en repetidas ocasiones que ni él ni su familia están metidos en política.
Indeed, Gilad Shalit's father Noam has repeatedly confirmed that neither he nor his family is involved in politics.
Con este fin, resulta esencial confiar las carteras económicas y sociales a los comisarios de nuestra familia política socialista.
To this end, it is essential to entrust the economic and social portfolios to Commissioners from our socialist political family.
¡Se trata de su familia política, señores diputados del Partido Popular Europeo (Demócrata-Cristianos) y de los Demócratas Europeos!
That is your political family, members of the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats!
Cox que su declaración se ajusta al oportunismo barato que ha hecho famosa a su familia política.
Finally, may I say to Mr Cox that his statement was in line with the cheap opportunism for which his political family is famous.
Me siento orgulloso de que la familia política a la que represento diera al Parlamento Europeo un Presidente de primera clase en la persona de Pat Cox.
I am proud that the political family I represent gave the European Parliament a first-class President in Pat Cox.
La Agenda de Lisboa fue presentada a la Comisión por mí mismo y por el Vicepresidente Verheugen, que pertenece a su familia política.
The Lisbon Agenda was presented to the Commission by myself and Vice-President Verheugen, who is a member of your political grouping.