
"eye witness" in Spanish

"eye witness" in English
An eye-witness has even said that a number have died or been murdered.
Un testigo ocular ha dicho incluso que varios han muerto o han sido asesinados.

Context examples for "eye witness" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
An eye-witness has even said that a number have died or been murdered.
Un testigo ocular ha dicho incluso que varios han muerto o han sido asesinados.
They have on occasion shown eye-witness accounts to be totally unreliable.
En ocasiones, han demostrado que los relatos de testigos oculares no son en absoluto fidedignos.
An eye-witness has even said that a number have died or been murdered.
Tenemos que reafirmarnos de modo que los eritreos comprendan que necesitan a la Unión Europea.
Reuters reported just yesterday that, according to eye witness reports, people are being shot when they try to leave this zone.
Reuters informó justo ayer de que, según informan los testigos, están disparando a la gente que intenta salir de la zona.
I am thinking of the eye-witness reports we have heard and also of the many expressions of sympathy and willingness to offer prompt assistance.
Me refiero a los informes testimoniales que hemos oído y a las numerosas expresiones de simpatía y voluntad de ofrecer asistencia rápida.
He was due to visit the European Parliament today and give us an eye witness account of the situation in Chechnya, but he was not allowed to leave Russia.
Hoy debería haber estado aquí en el Parlamento Europeo para informar sobre la situación en Chechenia que ha vivido como testigo presencial. El Sr. Babitzky no ha podido salir de Rusia.
We have all received a constant stream of faxes, pamphlets, videos and eye-witness accounts of the everyday occurrences in Turkey and most recently in Cyprus.
Todos hemos recibido un aluvión constante de faxes, panfletos, vídeos y testimonios de testigos oculares sobre los acontecimientos cotidianos en Turquía y más recientemente en Chipre.