
"European Exchange Rate Mechanism" in Spanish

"European Exchange Rate Mechanism" in English
They always had the impact of creating tension and havoc inside the European exchange rate mechanism.
Siempre tuvieron el efecto de crear tensiones y de causar estragos en el mecanismo de cambio europeo.

Context examples for "European Exchange Rate Mechanism" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Finland has discussed joining the European exchange rate mechanism.
En Finlandia ha tenido lugar un debate sobre la incorporación al mecanismo del Sistema Monetario Europeo.
They always had the impact of creating tension and havoc inside the European exchange rate mechanism.
Siempre tuvieron el efecto de crear tensiones y de causar estragos en el mecanismo de cambio europeo.
European Exchange Rate Mechanism
mecanismo de cambio europeo
European Exchange Rate Mechanism
mecanismo de cambios
Estonia, Lithuania and Slovenia have been part of the European exchange rate mechanism since 28 June 2004, and were joined on 2 May 2005 by Latvia, Malta and Cyprus.
Nuestra petición final al BCE es que siga mejorando su política informativa, que en general es buena, aunque sigue siendo mejorable.
Since its entry into ERM II, the European exchange rate mechanism, the Cypriot pound has been exchanged in a stable manner at a satisfactory exchange rate.
Desde su entrada en el ERM II, el mecanismo de tipos de cambio europeo, la libra chipriota ha cotizado de forma estable a un tipo de cambio satisfactorio.
Estonia, Lithuania and Slovenia have been part of the European exchange rate mechanism since 28June 2004, and were joined on 2May 2005 by Latvia, Malta and Cyprus.
Estonia, Lituania y Eslovenia forman parte del mecanismo europeo de tipos de cambio desde el 28 de junio de 2004, y el 2 de mayo de 2005 se sumaron Letonia, Malta y Chipre.