
"escuela estatal" in English

"escuela estatal" in English
escuela estatal{feminine}
Los maestros competentes de mi escuela estatal y los préstamos gratuitos de libros de una biblioteca pública bien provista me abrieron las puertas del mundo de los libros.
Competent teachers in my state school and free book loans in a well-stocked public library opened up the world of books to me.

Similar translations for "escuela estatal" in English
Context examples for "escuela estatal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los maestros competentes de mi escuela estatal y los préstamos gratuitos de libros de una biblioteca pública bien provista me abrieron las puertas del mundo de los libros.
Competent teachers in my state school and free book loans in a well-stocked public library opened up the world of books to me.
Esto hace que la carga económica de las familias que no eligen la escuela estatal, sea casi insostenible, y compromete seriamente la misma supervivencia de las escuelas.
This places an almost unbearable financial burden on families choosing not to send their children to state schools and constitutes a serious threat to the survival of the schools themselves.