
"escandalizarse" in English

¿Cómo puede ser que, en las más altas instancias del fútbol, esto no parezca escandalizar a nadie?
How is it that, in football’s highest governing bodies, nobody seems deeply shocked by this?
¿Cómo puede ser que, en las más altas instancias del fútbol, esto no parezca escandalizar a nadie?
How is it that, in football’ s highest governing bodies, nobody seems deeply shocked by this?
le gusta escandalizar
she likes to shock people
raramente los fieles se escandalizan por esta falta de unidad tanto en la
infrequently the faithful are scandalized by this lack of unity, both in the
to outrage[outraged · outraged] {v.t.} (scandalize)
(PL) Señor Presidente, esta es otra cuestión que escandaliza a la opinión pública europea y a los diputados de esta Cámara.
(PL) Mr President, this is another matter which outrages European public opinion and which outrages the Members of this House.
Los pescadores del R.U. están escandalizados por los descartes, que representan continuamente casi el 50% de todas las capturas.
UK fishermen are outraged at discards, which continually account for nearly 50% of catches.
Estoy escandalizado, como la mayoría de ustedes, por la manera en que se ha tratado a la oposición iraní.
I am outraged, as most of us are, by the way in which the Iranian opposition has been treated.

Context examples for "escandalizarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Puede plantearse un conflicto entre la libertad de investigación y otros valores sociales, pero nadie debe escandalizarse.
That may raise a conflict between freedom of research and other social values, but no-one should be scandalized.
De nada sirve escandalizarse por la trata transfronteriza si no vemos o no queremos hablar de lo que ocurre después dentro de la UE.
It does not help to be outraged by cross-border trafficking if one does not see, or does not want to talk about, what happens subsequently in the EU.
Francisco sufrió el drama de una Iglesia herida por su misma fragilidad, la Iglesia santa y pecadora, pero sin escandalizarse, no la juzga.
Although Francis suffered the drama of a holy and sinful Church wounded by its fragility, nonetheless, he was not scandalized by it, refraining even from judging her.