
"es bueno saber" in English

"es bueno saber" in English
es bueno saber que se es parte de algo
it's good to know you belong
Es bueno saber que la Comisión se ocupa del asunto, pero es decepcionante que solo nueve países estén preparados a tiempo.
It is good to know that the Commission is on the case, but disappointing that only nine countries are ready on time.

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Context examples for "es bueno saber" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es bueno saber que la Comisión está de acuerdo en esto.
It was good to hear that the Commissioner agrees.
Es bueno saber que la Comisión se ocupa del asunto, pero es decepcionante que solo nueve países estén preparados a tiempo.
Nevertheless, I would like to make a few observations and, like Mrs Doyle, I have a number of doubts.
Es bueno saber que la Comisión se ocupa del asunto, pero es decepcionante que solo nueve países estén preparados a tiempo.
It is good to know that the Commission is on the case, but disappointing that only nine countries are ready on time.
es bueno saber que se es parte de algo
it's good to know you belong
Es bueno saber que el Ministerio de Comercio e Industria del Reino Unido ya está dedicando su atención a dicha cobertura.
It is good to know that, in the UK, such coverage is something to which the Department of Trade and Industry is already directing its attention.
. - (NL) Todo esto es de suma importancia, por supuesto, y es bueno saber que estamos en buenas manos con la señora Haug.
All of this is extremely important, of course, and it is good to know that things are in good hands with Mrs Haug.
es bueno saber
good to know
Señora Presidenta, hay muchas razones para desarrollar las ideas sobre el futuro de Europa, pero también es bueno saber qué es lo que hay que desarrollar.
Madam President, there is every reason for developing ideas around the subject of how Europe is to move forward, but there is also a need to know what it is that has to be developed.
Es bueno saber que por lo menos queda un Gobierno europeo que entiende el significado de las palabras «interés nacional», aunque no sea el Gobierno británico.
It is good to know that there is still at least one European government that understands the meaning of the words ‘in the national interest’, even if it is not the British Government.
Es bueno saber que por lo menos queda un Gobierno europeo que entiende el significado de las palabras« interés nacional», aunque no sea el Gobierno británico.
It is good to know that there is still at least one European government that understands the meaning of the words ‘ in the national interest’, even if it is not the British Government.
(SK) Señoras y señores, es bueno saber que el Parlamento Europeo está supervisando activamente y tomando la iniciativa en el proceso de ratificación del Tratado de Lisboa.
(SK) Ladies and gentlemen, it is good to see that the European Parliament is actively monitoring and taking the initiative in the process of ratification of the Lisbon Treaty.
También es bueno saber que el derecho del Defensor del Pueblo a acceder a los documentos no tiene relación con el actual reglamento de apertura; éste es un frecuente malentendido.
It is also important to realise that the Ombudsman's right of access to documents has nothing to do with the current regulation on openness, which is a frequent misconception.