
"enfeeblement" in Spanish

It is the governments of the Member States that are enfeebling Europe, while we should be restoring her strength!
Son los gobiernos de los Estados miembros quienes están debilitando a Europa, cuando deberíamos estar restaurando su fuerza.
If we do not seize this opportunity, Europe will become an ever-expanding giant, but one enfeebled and dried out.
Si no aprovechamos esta oportunidad, Europa se convertirá en un gigante en constante expansión pero debilitado y seco.
It will be seen as a tired and enfeebled colossus, a continent filled with boastful babble, fragile and old, nothing more than a historical museum.
Será considerada un coloso cansado y debilitado, un continente con un balbuceo fanfarrón, frágil y viejo, nada más que un museo histórico.

Synonyms (English) for "enfeeblement":
Context examples for "enfeeblement" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It does, of course, have the cooperation of an EU Member State, which thus becomes, at the very least, an accessory to the enfeeblement of the Basel Convention.
Si buscamos otros cómplices, volvemos a encontrarnos con la Organización Marítima Internacional, que ofrece escasa cooperación cuando se trata de obligar a cumplir la Convención de Basilea.