
"drums" in Spanish

He’s played drums in NIN and Marilyn Manson and produced, engineered, and remixed for Metallica, U2, Bowie, and more.
Ha tocado la batería en NIN y Marilyn Manson, y ha trabajado de productor, ingeniero y técnico de mezclas para Metallica, U2, Bowie, entre otros.
to play the drums
tocar la batería
“I also really like the Sonnox Oxford plug-ins, as well as the Sonnox Inflator [plug-in] for drums and the mix bus on occasion.
“Me gustan mucho los plug-ins de Sonnox Oxford, así como el Sonnox Inflator para batería y ocasionalmente en el bus de mezcla.
engine drum extractor
tambor exprimidor motorizado
a revolving drum
un tambor giratorio
You can hear its drums, trombones, crescents.
Pueden oír sus tambores, sus trombones, sus chinescos.
ánfora{f} [SAm.] (en una tómbola)
bombo{m} (de un sorteo)
teponaztle{m} [Mex.]
Every week a 25 litre drum was taken away and the chef was given GBP 5, part of the black economy.
Cada semana se recogía en los establecimientos un bidón de 25 litros de aceite residual y el jefe de cocina recibía a cambio cinco libras esterlinas, con cargo a la economía sumergida.
caja{f} [mus.] (tambor)
cubo{m} [techn.]

Context examples for "drums" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
At age six, he went on stage to play drums with his saxophonist father.
Serge inherited a great enthusiasm and a remarkable talent for music and occasionally sang professionally as a child.
non drums end of the hoisting ropes
los extremos de los cables de izar que no se enrollan en tambores
In this House we have a duty to deal with the facts, not to listen to the jungle drums beating from misinformed sources.
En esta Asamblea tenemos el deber de abordar los hechos, no escuchar los rumores procedentes de fuentes mal informadas.
a roll on the drums
un redoble de tambores
to play the drums
tocar la batería
Serge studied theatre and played drums in a band, but when he found himself in the town of Baie-Saint-Paul, Quebec he finally felt he had found a place where he belonged.
He studied theater and played drums for a couple of years but it was only when he travelled to the artistic community of Baie St.
Mr President, the directive we are discussing today does not just deal with labels on cans and drums and requirements to provide safety data sheets.
Señor Presidente, la Directiva objeto del debate de hoy no se refiere únicamente a las etiquetas de latas y toneles y a las exigencias de entrega de fichas de datos de seguridad.
After auditioning some of your musicians, we found a pianist on the oboe and violinists playing the drums and, following these auditions, we told you that the music did not sound right.
Entonces, usted nos dijo:« No hay problema, si hay un Comisario con conflictos de intereses, será un Comisario a jornada parcial y yo, Barroso, me ocuparé de los asuntos.